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if the father is black or white then the kids would be the same regardless of appearance

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Q: If a man has a black father and a white mother and he has green eyes and is white and has sandy blonde hair and you are sandi blonde and blue eyed what color will your baby be?
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if mother has black and the father has red it will probally be brown

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Most likely it will be blonde because red is more recessive than Blonde. Followed by strawberry blonde, a hybrid of the two. Least likely it will be completely red. In rare cases red can be dominant to blonde.

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I don't know- eye color is not determined by hair color.

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Any color! Blonde/Red/Brown/Black/ But the majority have black.

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Her father was black and Venuzuelan, and her mother is Irish. Her great grandmother on her father's side was from Venuzuela. Therefore, she is mixed, but she prefers to be called black.

If mother is white and father is white and black mixed what color will baby be?

The baby may come like his mother or father depending on how strong the genes are .. or a bit of both.

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If the father's hair is black and the mother's hair is brown what would the child's hair color be?

depending on who's genes the child gets it could be black or brown. there have also been some cases where the child has gotten its grandmother's hair, which could be blonde. it could be anything, but it is most likely to be black or brown. there is no way of knowing.