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Well, Maybe he thinks it was a mistake for being with another girl and not you, maybe hes trying to set u up for when him and this other girl break up, so that when they do break up u will be ready to jump in to a relationship

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Q: If a man is seeing someone else yet constantly tells you that he still has feelings to you why?
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How do you know if your ex still has feelings for you Evan if she says shes seeing someone else?

if she brags about her new boyfriend, she is probably just making you jealous.

What if she has feelings for someone else?

Then let her know of these feelings, if she still insists her feelings for another person, let her have him.

How can you tell if you are in love with the person from a previous relationship?

Well if you constantly think about that person then chances still have feelings for them.

How do you get rid of the feelings for someone you love and still in contact with cause you go to school with them?

Give them the cold sholder and then when they start being rude u won't stand seeing their face (personal experience)

What should you do if you know you love someone and they still have feelings for their ex?

decide if the feelings they have for the ex are bigger then the feelings they have for you. Everyone always has feelings for their ex - good or bad - so when you hook up with someone you just have to be sure that their feelings for you are stronger.

How will you know if your boyfriend is not over with his ex?

If he spends time with them and is constantly talking with them or about them chances are he is still harbouring feelings for them. If you do see this behaviour and realize he does in fact still want her its best to let them go sort out their feelings as they cannot be committed to you in anyway until he deals with his feelings for her - basically you would be a rebound.

What if my boyfriend now seeing his ex- girlfriend?

If you are still with him and he is also seeing his ex then I would leave him. I realize that may be hard but if he is seeing someone else he is cheating on you and you deserve better. But if you believe there is nothing going on between them then you should make your feelings clear that you do not want him seeing his ex girlfriend - if he chooses to ignore the way you feel then unfortunately again you will have to do what is best for you and leave. Either way the outcome seems to be the same.

Why would an ex get upset seeing you with someone else after 2 years?

they still like you and can't help getting jealous seeing you with someone new or you did something that made them mad

What do you do when you broke up with your boyfriend because he cheated on you but you still have feelings for him?

Make him jealous by going out with someone else, love him anyway or slap and find someone else that you can grow to have feelings for.

How can you tell when someone still have feelings for you?

If they are very flirty and if you text and hearts get sent outt

When i am not seeing him anymore why can't he answer if he is seeing someone?

because he still misses you or he hasn't found anyone else or he has found someone else but this person could be somone that you know or very close with.

Hi there could you help me i need some advice my ex finished me after yr and a half he is seeing someone else i think but text me 3 days ago why i dont know it was a nice text will he do this again?

probably, he probably still has feelings for you, doesn't want to let you go completely, but is seeing someone so hes just playing games, its happen to me in the past, it sucks!