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Its poop will come out its mouth and it will choke trust me i no im bad

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Q: If a marlin breaks its bill will it survive?
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Unfortunately, if a duck eggs breaks before it hatches, the baby duck shall not survive, if in early stages. If the egg breaks right before the duck hatches, the duck may survive.

What helps the marlin swim fast?

its long spear-like bill.

What national symbol appears on the bahamian 100 bill?

A blue marlin

Why do marlin fish have beaks?

From the Related link below: "There is some evidence that white marlin can stun or kill their prey by spearing or slashing it with their bill."

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big hesk sits on the ice and breaks it for them...... lol

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Fragmentation occurs when an organism of many cells breaks into two or more parts and these parts survive to produce a new organism.

What is a sailfish is it a mammal?

sailfish is different to marlin, marlin have a long bill and a large fin on its head and a large crescent shaped tail, sailfish are smaller and have one long fin on its head to its back.

What is the food bill monthly to survive?

it depends on the size of the household that you are trying to feed.... or what u mean by survive

Who was the First president to survive an impeachment trial?

Bill Clinton

What is the plural of marlin?

1 marlin several marlin.

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