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Before treatment, the first step is to ascertain if the bilirubin increase is resultant from hepatoxicty caused by the chemotherapy, or if other causal factors are at play. Note that many of the meds used in chemotherapy are processed through the liver, and an increase in bilirubin (which is what causes jaundice) is a logical cause. However, jaundice can be caused by other agents and processes as well. Once the causes are determined, the decision must be, do we continue on the chemo and treat the liver issues another way, or cease chemo? Possible answers are: * Cease chemo. * Change the chemotoxic agents and/or dosages so as to cause less bilirubin production. * Continue the chemo course, and administer diuretics and possibly painkillers, to treat the jaundice symptomology, and continue the chemo course. * Change other medications that may be causal. * Modify patient habits that are dangerous for the liver (alcohol is one that comes to mind).

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Q: If a patient already taking chaemotherapy treatment suffered with severe jaundice what will be the treatment?
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