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If they can eat, then of course. If in a coma, of course unless they are brain dead.

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Q: If a patient lives longer than expected without a ventilator should he she be feed?
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In order to manage the client on a mechanical ventilator is it necessary to perform a tracheostomy?

Emergency tracheostomy is necessary if the airway is not accessible (ie, due to swelling or some obstruction in the mouth or throat) and the patient cannot breathe. Otherwise the patient can be orally intubated and attached to the ventilator. After more than 7 days on the mechanical ventilation, however, it is wise to perform a tracheostomy for longer term management without maintaining the tube down the throat.

How do chemically-induced comas work?

Deep sedation is used, with a variety of medications - usually in an Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Pavulon is commonly used in order to paralyze the muscles of respiration, and respiration is accomplished for the patient via mechanical ventilation (e.g. the patient is on a ventilator, with oxygen settings, respiratory rate settings, inerposed sigh breaths, etc. ... with tubing running from the ventilator into the patient who, by necessity, has an endotracheal tube in place down to the trahea). When the induced coma is no longer needed, ventilator settings are gradually turned down, and then the patient is extubated (e.g. the tube is removed from the patient).

What are the expected results of hiccups?

last no longer than several hours, with or without

What are the benfits of euthanasia?

The patient will have no pain as they die. The patient will also be able to be with their families for a short time longer without being in pain.

How you come to know that patient is dead while the patient is on ventilator?

When a patient can no longer breathe on his/her own and is placed on a ventilator to sustain life, he or she is also connected to machines that monitor heart rate and rhythm, blood pressure, as well as the amount of oxygen being delivered to the lungs by the ventilator. As long as there is a blood pressure and heart rate, the patient is alive. If the patient is suspected to be brain dead (does not respond to stimuli), doctors can turn off the oxygen flow to see if the patient will begin breathing on his/her own. If the patient does not begin to breathe, the family will be notified and given the option of discontinuing life support. If aperson is brain-dead they are somtimes said to be in a coma. A coma patient can be monitored as having brain activity. Clearly alive, but not cognizant of their surroundings and non responsive. Also called Persistent Vegetative State or PVS. Brain death is showing no signs of brain activity. The brain stem is no longer controlling vital functions such as heartbeat,breathing and blood pressure. The body can be kept alive by mechanical means but dies when heroic means are ceased.

What is the prognosis for a patient with hiccups?

Most cases of hiccups last no longer than several hours, with or without treatment.

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Why cant WikiAnswers actually answer questions?

They do; it just takes longer than expected.

When a person is on a ventilator can they walk around?

No. Â?People on ventilators are usually unconscious and in Intensive Care Units.Some people with diseases such as Myaesthenia Gravis reach a stage where their medication no longer works and their respiratory muscles stop working, so they could be on a ventilator at home and not unconscious. Â?But if their muscles are too weak for them to breathe, they certainly won't be walking around.

When is it no longer necessary for a liver transplantation patient to see his doctor?

Close medical surveillance must continue for the rest of the patient's life. I

When is the Carnival Triumph expected to be back in service?

The Carnival Triumph is expected to be back in service on June 3rd, 2013. This date is actually longer than expected due to unforeseen repairs and investments that were needed.

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This depends on the story being told.