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Mid to high level chance since sperm can remain on the tip of the penis.

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Q: If a penis enters a vagina without a condom after ejaculation and isn't wiped off can you get pregnant?
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Can you get pregnant when the man penis is in their for 7 seconds?

Yes If he enters at all there is always a possibility that you can get pregnant wear a condom!

Can you get pregnant if a guy comes outside of the girl than wipes it off with a towel and re-enters the girl with his penis?

There is always a risk when the penis is inside. Unless you want to risk pregnancy never ever be inside without a condom. Pre-ejaculate can also contain sperm and inside the urethra there can also be sperms left after the ejaculation.

You were on your period and he was wearing a condom and he didn't penetrate just rubbed around with his penis but after you were done you didn't bleed much after that can you be pregnant?

Pregnancy occurs when semen enters the vagina and fertilizes an egg, and then only. If no semen entered your vagina (or the area outside your vagina, since sperm can swim), there is no chance you can get pregnant. If the condom was put on properly and did not break, there is an extremely low chance you can be pregnant. If you did not bleed much after intercourse, most likely it is coincidence that your cycle was almost over.

What is the name for the flow of water up through a plant?

Ejaculation, just like when sperm leaves the penis and enters the vaginathe water leaves the soil and enters the plant, pua leaves you gaging for it oioiii

What are the chances of getting pregnant if you take your pills coreectly?

Although the birth control pill is very effective when taken properly, there is still a (small) risk of becoming pregnant when having sex on the pill. That is why it's not a bad idea to use a condom at the same time--and condoms also protect you from diseases that are transmitted sexually, whereas the pill does not. Any time a penis enters your vagina, whether wearing a condom or not, whether taking the pill or not, there is always a chance of pregnancy.

Can women drink sperm and get pregnant?

Absolutely not. Women can only become pregnant when sperm enters the vagina.

You kiss your boyfriend and you hug can that get you pregnant?

No. You can only get pregnant by having sexual intercourse, where sperm enters the vagina.

Can you get pregnant even though your nervous when your having intercourse?

Yes, emotion does not prevent pregnancy. If sperm enters the vagina without any type of protection, there is always a chance of pregnancy.

Can i get pregnant if you use Anion sanitary napkins?

No you can't. You can only get pregnant if sperm enters your vagina and touches your egg.

What is one who enters by force without permission called?

A person who enters by force without permission is commonly called a trespasser or an intruder.

Do you have to be nude to get pregnant?

as long as the penis enters the vagina.. it doesn't matter what you wear.

Can you get pregnant if the penis only enters a couple of inches?

ANSWER :You can get pregnant even if the penis doesn't enter. All that needs to enter is the sperm.