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Q: If a person continues to drink alcohol alcohol can?
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If a person continues to drink alcohol what happens?

well as far as i know....if a person continues to drink then he'll be not be able to get rid of it.It will then become an addiction and addiction are not easily forgiven..!! :)

What is a person that has an urge to drink alcohol?

Dipsomaniac : "a person addicted to alcohol ".

What is a person who lives to drink alcohol?

A person who lives to drink is an alcoholic

Why does a person smell of alcohol?

why does a person smell of alcohol if they just has one drink

What a person drink beer of?

A person drink beer of alcohol. Taste good.

A person who does not drink alcohol is know as?

A teetotaler.

What is teetotal?

Some one who does not drink alcohol teetotalSomeone who is teetotal does not drink alcohol - the word derives from the emphatic expression of Total - total abstinence from alcohol.

What happens when a person continues to drink alcohol?

Your reaction speeds are slower and your concentration is also affected by drinking alcohol. Alcohol affects a person’s information-processing skills, also known as cognitive skills, and hand-eye coordination, also referred to as psychomotor skills.Here is an interesting test:

Can a person take mefloquine hydrochloride and drink alcohol?


Does Edgar hansen drink alcohol?

No he does not. He is a recovering person

Can a person drink alcohol in a limo?

Yes they can along as they are not driving it!! :)

What is the meaning of teetotaler?

A teetotaler is a person that does not drink alcohol.