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Avoid excessive alcohol for prolonged periods. Ditto for medications that your body needs to filter. Drinking a 1/2 gallon of water a day (for an adult) as a minimum will keep your system pretty clean. Lead a healthy lifestyle with the most important thing being eating healthy food with a minimum of chemicals in them. Periodically detoxify your body. Your local health food store or GNC can set you up with something that should fit your body type and needs.

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Q: If a person has only one kidney by birth.what precaution should he take to lead a normal life?
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How many kidney stones can a person safely have?

A normal person will not ever pass a kidney stone. Forming or passing kidney stones is not a normal process.

What if person have one kidney at time of birth?

then may be that person will have small life span and he will not able to play like normal children.

A kidney transplant requires two kidneys to replace the function of the recipient's kidneys?

A person can function perfectly normal with 1 health kidney. The surgery will take one kidney out of the donor (leaving one) and transplanting it into the recipient.

How will be your general health conditions after donate one of your kidneys?

A person can live a normal healthy life with just one kidney.

If you lose a kidney you can still survive and lead a normal life with one kidney because?

You can survive with one kidney because it can do the work of both! However, people living with one kidney have to be very cautious of their lifestyle choices as leading an unhealthy life would lead to kidney failure faster than a person with two kidneys.

Is one kidney better than two?

You don't, many people live with one kidney and you can donate a kidney if you want to.

A person who donates kidney are called?

Kidney Donars

Can a person live normally with one kidney and why?

can a person live normally with only one kidney and why

What are some of the options for a person who has damaged kidneys?

a person with damaged kidneys can live a relatively normal life through dialysis and strict dieting until the kidneys are allowed to heal. a person with irreversible damage will eventually need a kidney transplant and will have to have dialysis daily as well as a strict diet until they receive a new kidney.

How could a large kidney stone block urine flow?

It is never normal for a kidney stone to block your urine, however it does happen. When a stone blocks the flow of urine, treatment needs to occur soon so kidney or ureter damage doesn't occur.

Can a person live normally with one kidney only?

an a person live normally with only one kidney

What is normal glomerular filteration rate?

A person without (chronic) kidney disease will have a GFR of 90mL/min/1.73m2 or higher without excess proteins in the urine.