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Q: If a person lost 4 liters of water what percentage of their body water did they lose?
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Related questions

How many liters of water in human body?

37 litres of water in each person

If body secretes about 7 liters of water into the alimentary canal each day what percentage of this water gets reabsorbed?

90% is reabsorbed

Wha is the percentage of water in the human body?

the human body has anywhere from 55%-78% of water in their system, depending on the person.

What percentage of the human body is solid?

The percentage of the human body that is solid varies from person to person. A person can be from about 58 percent to about 78 percent water, so the remaining portion would be solid.

What fraction of a person's body weight is composed of water?

In percentage terms it is between 50% and 60%. The percentage is lower for women.

Is 3 liters of water sufficient for body?

No it is not

About how much water does the human body normally need in a day in liters?

a lot of liters.

How many liters of water a day does The human body requires approximately?

2.4 rounding to the nearest tenth... 2.0 liters.

Body of water that has 800000 liters of water?

20x20x5 swimming pool

How many liters of water do you need?

If your on about how much liters of water you need in your body, well. . . You would need to drink at least 5 cups of water. So from Half a Liters to 1 and a half. But BE CAREFUL you don't overflow your body with fluids!

The person with the greatest percentage of body water would be?

There is not, and cannot be, a number for one person for this or any other physiological measure.

If a person has lost 3 liters of blood will they recover?

they will die, we have 2.8 liters of blood in our body. 6pints