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You would be 4 months now so it would clearly show on a ultrasound so no I don't think so.

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Q: If a person was last sexually active 5 months ago and they had a negative blood pregnancy test a few weeks ago could they still be pregnant?
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When a girl becomes sexually active is it common for her body to change as if she was pregnant?

You should not experience pregnancy symptoms just because you starting becoming sexually active.

What does it mean if you dream of a dr. telling you that you are pregnant?

If the dreamer is sexually active, a pregnancy test would be wise. Dreams are intimately linked with the body's hormones and pregnancy hormones in particular. If the test is negative or if the dreamer is not sexually active, the "pregnancy" probably represents some significant development in the dreamer's life; something that cares responsibility and that is important to her.

Early menstrual cycle mean pregnancy?

If you were pregnant then you'd no longer have a menstrual cycle, if you don't understand that then you should in no way be having sex or sexually active to risk pregnancy. The menstrual cycle is your body preparing for possible pregnancy, when pregnant the cycle is shut down.

What does it mean when someone rubs your stomach and says your pregnant in your dream?

The dream only reflects your own desire to be pregnant; it is not a reliable indication of pregnancy. If you have been sexually active since your last menstrual period, you may be wise to get a pregnancy test.

What does it mean to have 2 day light brown spotting a week before a period and get sick from the smell of cooking hamburgers a week befor a period?

If you think you are pregnant, include that in the question instead of beating around the bush with the spotting & sensitive sense of smell & nausea symptoms of being pregnant. If you are sexually active & think you are pregnant, get a pregnancy test. If the test is positive, go see a doctor. Even if the test isn't positive, you should still go see a doctor because pregnancy tests are not 100% accurate. And if you didn't know that these are symptoms of being pregnant, then you should not be sexually active with the lack of knowledge that you have about such things, (assuming that you are sexually active).

When pregnancy could occur?

If you are a sexually active female, pregnancy can occur. Birth control will help prevent pregnancy, but is not guaranteed.

If a girl experiences tiredness and food cravings and weight gain and frequesnt urination but not that much more frequent than usual but not nausea and does not think she is pregnant is she pregnant?

With all these possible symptoms of pregnancy, if the girl is sexually active it would be wise for her to take a pregnancy test. Not everyone suffers nausea with pregnancy.

Will a tanning bed make your nipples sore and tender or am i pregnant?

Usually it is before you start your period if you have missed your period an you are sexually active then you should take a pregnancy test Hun.

Can a 53 year old get pregnant who has not had a period in 10 years n now active sexually?

Well...yes if You already started You period b4 and You r now sexually active then it is possible to get pregnant!

Can you have kids at 11?

If you have reached puberty, have had your first period, and are sexually active, then yes. However, you should not be sexually active at this age and much less be preoccupied about possible pregnancy.

What does it mean when a girl's time doesn't come?

If you are sexually active, you could be pregnant. Or it could very well just be late. In any case, get an at home pregnancy test and see a doctor.

Are you more sexually active when pregnant?

Some women are insatiable during pregnancy. It's courtesy of the hormone rush. Personally, my sex drive is at an all time low. I was looking forward to the sexual part of pregnancy, but it skipped me up!