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You'd need to know either the resistance or the wattage of the circuit. Ohm's Law: Current = Voltage divided by resistance or Current = Power divided by Voltage

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Q: If a series circuit has a 12 v battery what is the current flow?
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What does a load do to the flow of electrical current in a series circuit?

A load increases the flow of electrical current in a series circuit. No load, no flow.

In a series circuit if 1 bulb goes out the circuit is considered open or closed?

If one bulb in a series circuit goes out, then current can't flow anywherein the circuit. A circuit in which current can't flow is an open circuit.

What causes a posite current in a battery?

A electrical from a battery is the flow of elecrons through a circuit in the opposite dirrection to the current flow. This current flow also happens inside the battery between the plates.

In an electric current electricity flow how?

Electricity can flow in an electric circuit by a battery. The battery creates electrons, which flow through the wire, and then go into a light bulb. (That is how a light bulb in a circuit lights up.) A series circuit is a circuit with one wire that electrons can flow through. Also, there can be more than one light bulb connecting to the same wire. A parallel circuit is a circuit with light bulbs that have their own wire.ClarificationThe above answer, unfortunately, perpetuates the myth that current leaves a battery, and finds its way around a circuit. This is not the case at all. It is the load that 'draws' the current from the battery and it is the load that determines the size of that current.

What happens if the track of the current is broken in a series circuit?

In a series circuit, if the current is broken the flow of all electricity stops.

A circuit that has only one path for electricity to flow through?

A series circuit has only one path for current flow.

What is the importance of series circuit?

current is flow through the circuit in same manner.

What electrical quantity is the same throughout a series circuit?

In any series circuit, there is one and only one path for current flow. All the current flowing in the circuit will flow through all of the devices in that circuit. A break at any point in the circuit will cause current flow to cease. Lastly, it is current that is the same at any point in the circuit where we'd care to measure it.

If there is a break at any point in a series circuit the current will?

not flow

How many paths are there for current flow in a series circuit?


What is your observation of the current in series circuit?

The current in a series circuit will be directly proportional to the voltage applied to the circuit, and inversely proportional to the resistance in it. Additionally, there will be one and only one path for that current, as it is a series circuit. All the current in the circuit will have to pass through each each element of the circuit. The current will all flow in one direction in a DC circuit; current is unidirectional. And will flow "back and forth" in an AC circuit, or will alternate directions, as one might expect.

Should you connect both ends of a battery in a circuit?

it is necessary to connect both the terminals of a battery to a circuit for current to flow through it..!!