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it does grows another one

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Q: If a snails shell cracks while growing what happens?
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How do you know how old is a snail?

you can check their ages by counting the cracks on its shell. he he The bigger the snail is the older it is, also as snails age they move slower. Cracks on snails shell happen natrually, if they are dropped or something heavy is dropped on them, a crack can form. A young snail might have more cracks then a very old snail.

What happens if people eats snails shell?

You diea

How do you find a snails age?

you can check their ages by counting the cracks on its shell. he he The bigger the snail is the older it is, also as snails age they move slower. Cracks on snails shell happen natrually, if they are dropped or something heavy is dropped on them, a crack can form. A young snail might have more cracks then a very old snail.

What is the snail shell made of?

When a female snail lays eggs, she coats them with her "slime" and when the young snails hatch, they're still growing shells. Shells are necessary for snails to live and the "slime" helps harden them. If a snail shell cracks, substances like wax would not harm it and in the event that a snail shell breaks, it is reccamended to draw on it lightly with a crayon to hold it together. I'm not sure what the shell is exactly made up of, but I hope that this helps.

Do snails come out of their shell to burrow?

No, snails do not leave their shell to burrow.

Are snails shell silky and watery?

Snails shell is silky and watery.

Do snails urinate?

I find that my snails have urined once that I have actually seened them. One of my snails fell from the other onto a hard surface and when I quickly picked it up to make sure that there were no cracks in the snail's shell. There were none, but a yellow liquid oozed out of the snails shell. That is the closest to urine my snails have ever gotten.

What is the foamy stuff on snails shell?

after snails mate it leaves a foamy substance on the shell

What are snails exoskeleton?

a snails has an exoskeleton known as a shell. The shell grows with the snail as it ages.

What shelter do snails have?

the snails shell is it's shelter

Do snails have to move into larger shells as they grow?

No, a snails's shell grows with the snail. They grow their own shell/

Do snails live with out there shells?

The snails shell is part of its body