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I don't think so I'm pretty sure that they don't.

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Q: If a spider crawls up your nose into your sinisus and bites you can it kill you?
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Can A Zebra Spider Kill a human if it Bites One?

A zebra spider cannot kill you... bites may produce a sharp pain, they are not considered dangerous.

How did they cure spider bites in the 1800s?

They kill the person

What does it mean when a spider crawls on you?

it means that if you see a spider you have to kill it

Can spider bites kill people?

Yes. In Australia common venomous spiders are the Funnel Web and Red-back spider.

Should you kill a spider if it bites you?

NEVER kill an animal of any kind if it bites you. The animal is only trying to defend itself. It is your fault if you get bit by any animal.

What kind of spider is black with red and yellow bands on its legs and is in Maryland US?

black widow, if it bites it WILL kill you

How powerful are black widow spider bites?

the black widows bite can kill a full grown man in minutes

If a spider bites a snake will the snake die?

Usually not. Most spiders cannot kill anything much larger than themselves.

How long does it take for the venom of a Black Widow spider to kill you?

The female black widow spider, though it is one of the most venomous spiders, seldom causes death as it injects a very small amount of poison when it bites. Reports indicate human mortality at well less than 1% from black widow spider bites.

What are facts about a spider?

1. their bites can be deadly 2.they can kill you 3.they bite you 4.different types 5. some spin web

Can brown recluse bites kill you?

yes i had a friend who died from a spider bite she was only 25

What does it mean when a little red spider crawls on you?

Absolutely nothing, other than you need to either kill the spider, or get up and move if you don't want it to drop down on you.