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Q: If a stroke on onee side of the brain affects the opposite side you would term its effect to be on the?
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Describe the means by which individuals who survive a stroke regain at least part of their lost abilities?

It all depends on where the stroke is located and how extensive the area the stroke affects. The brain, which is were most strokes occur, does not replace dead neurons. Sometimes if the stroke is not too extensive other parts of the brain can take over. Physical therapy can sometimes help find those other parts of the brain.

How does a stroke causes brain damage?

A stroke is a injury within the brain. There are two basic types; ischemic and hemorrhagic. In an ischemic stroke, a blockage in a blood vessel occurs within the brain, cutting off the flow of blood carrying oxygen and sugars to the brain tissue. In a hemorrhagic stroke, a blood vessel has burst within the brain, flooding an area of brain tissue. Depending on the area affected within the brain, there could be many different affects. Stroke victims frequently experience physical weakness in one or more extremity, or difficulty speaking or seeing.

If someone had a stroke and could not use the right side of their body what part of the brain had the stroke?

The motor cortex on the left side of the brain

What are two ways that a Cerebrovascular Accident can occur?

A stroke can occur in two ways. In an ischemic stroke, a blood clot blocks or plugs a blood vessel or artery in the brain. About 80 percent of all strokes are ischemic. In an hemorrhagic stroke, a blood vessel in the brain breaks and bleeds into the brain. About 20 percent of strokes are hemorrhagic.

Is brain stroke dangerous?

Yes. It can cause serious damage to the brain.

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When a stroke affects your vision which part of the brain is involved?

The lobes in the back of the brain called the occipital lobes.

How do saturated fats affect the brain?

saturated fat affects your brian is if you had a stroke

What part of the body affects stroke?

It depends what side of the brain the blood clot occurs on.

Does RSI just effect the muscles?

No it affects the brain as well because your brain controls everything

Which part of the brain does nutrition effect?

Nutrition affects all parts of the body including the main organs. It affects the brain, the heart, and the vascular system.

How does age affect stroke risk?

Intracerebral hemorrhage affects vessels within the brain itself, while subarachnoid hemorrhage affects arteries at the brain's surface, just below the protective arachnoid membrane.

How can smoking cause a stroke?

yes. at least that's what i was told. You can have a stroke due to smoking. If you smoke it affects your lungs. And then you have stroke. DON'T SMOKE!!!!!!!

Describe the means by which individuals who survive a stroke regain at least part of their lost abilities?

It all depends on where the stroke is located and how extensive the area the stroke affects. The brain, which is were most strokes occur, does not replace dead neurons. Sometimes if the stroke is not too extensive other parts of the brain can take over. Physical therapy can sometimes help find those other parts of the brain.

Does a stroke affect the nervous or endocrine system how stroke affects the endocrine system?

It affects the nervous system. It affects both those systems along with many others. It effects the endocrine system, because the hypothalamus and the pituitary gland, both secreting organs in the endocrine system, are located in the brain. If a stroke were to occur in those regions, the hypothalamus or the pituitary gland would not be able to secrete the hormones needed to keep homeostasis. The brain also controls the nervous system. So, a stroke does affect both.

What causes apraxia?

Apraxia is caused by brain damage related to conditions such as head injury, stroke, brain tumor, and Alzheimer's disease. The damage affects the brain's ability to correctly signal instructions to the body.

How does the amount ot stress and tension affect both the brain and heart?

Stress has a profound effect on your ability to learn new things, because your brain is unable to store information in the long term memory. The long term affects of stress on the brain is a stroke. Stress causes pressure on the heart muscle and leads to heart diseases.

What is the main cause of hemiplegia?

Hemiplegia is almost always caused by brain damage on the side opposite the paralysis, often from a stroke.