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Q: If a tectonic plate moves westward over a hot spot the youngest volcanic island what will the oldest volcano be?
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What tectonic plate is the wolf volcano on?

The tallest of all the Galapagos volcanoes is Wolf Volcano. The Galapagos Archipelago lies over an oceanic platform formed by the a volcanic hotspot underneath the Nazca tectonic plate

What Mountain is the youngest in taupo volcanic zone?

Mount Ngauruhoe is the youngest of the three volcanoes in the the taupo volcanic zone. Although thought by many to be a volcano in its own right, it is actually a secondary vent of Mount Tongariro.

Which is the youngest volcano in Auckland?

the youngest volcano is Rangitoto

Can something be both a mountain and a volcano?

A mountain could be a volcano and a volcano can be a mountain. A volcanic mountain is only one type of mountain. Mt. St. Helens in the United States is a volcanic mountain. The Hawaiian Islands are a string of volcanic mountains. And the world's largest mountain range is the mid-ocean ridge, created by diverging tectonic plates and volcanism.

Is magnesium sulfate formed by tectonic plate movement or volcanic eruptions?

It would most likely form from hydrothermal activity related to a volcano.

What makes an earthquake to create a volcano that make it erupt?

the moving of the tectonic plates which makes the earths surface unstable which then causes earthquakes and volcanic eruptions

Why is Kilauea the youngest volcano?

No. The youngest volcano in the world is Paricutin in Mexico.

What volcano word starts with t?

tectonic is related with volcano so it tectonic can be part of the answer as well

When do volcanic earthquakes occur?

An earthquake can be caused in two different ways, there is a volcanic earthquake and a tectonic earthquake. Tectonics earthquakes are much more common than volcanic earthquakes. Volcanic earthquakes are when magma, or molten rock, moves underground. This can cause earthquake directly in what is called a harmonic tremor, or indirectly by breaking and shifting rock. A tectonic earthquake is when stress built up by the movement of Earth's tectonic plates is released in the form of shaking.

What is noun in volcanic?

The noun related to volcanic is volcano

Is a volcanic cinder volcano a volcano?

yes it is a volcanoe

What is an adjective for Volcano?

The adjective is volcanic. It means of or like a volcano, or an erupting volcano.