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"Mistake," or some other word meaning essentially the same thing.

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Q: If a theory is proven wrong over and over again through scientific experiments it becomes known as a what?
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How does an observation evolve e into a scientific law?

an observation becomes an thesis through experimentation, proven info and support. a thesis becomes a theory through support and a theory becomes a law through even more support

What is a scientific theorey?

It is something that is proven to be true by many many experiments. It is NOT a prediction.

What will a hypothesis become if its is supported by repeated experimentation?

A scientific theory

A well established and proven theory becomes what?

scientific law

Scientific law is what?

a phenomenon of nature that has been proven to invariably

Is a scientific hypothesis an absolutely unbreakable law of physics?

No. A hypothesis is a proposed statement in science. When a hypothesis is constantly proven and accepted by the scientific community, it becomes known as a theory. Even a theory is not a LAW of physics. The only laws that exist in science are those that can be proven through math. While unbreakable laws of physics exist, if it cannot be mathematically proven, a scientific hypothesis is not an unbreakable law of physics.

Which phrase best describes a scientific theory?

A scientific theory is the best explanation for a praticular pattern of observations.

Why can a hypothesis never be proven?

It can be proven, you have to do at least 3 experiments to prove your hypothesis.

How are theory laws hypothesis connected?

A scientific theory and a scientific law are similar in that they both propose to describe and predict the behavior of some aspect of nature in terms of a few basic princples. The main difference is that a scientific theory does not yet have enough evidence to verify its validity. A scientific theory becomes a scientific law after enough evidence has been collected, through experimentation, to be reasonably sure that its description of how nature behaves will always be correct. It often takes as long as a hundred years of experiments before a theory is accepted as a law.

Is a hypothesis a proven statement?

Hypotheses can never be totally proven because only portions of populations are used to test them. There are many variables making it likely that results will not always be the same. However, tests with positive outcomes can strongly infer the likelihood that their hypotheses are correct.

What is a scientific idea that has survived many experiments and observations without being proven false?

The idea that space contained a substance call "aether" which carried light. Michelson and Morley developed a device to measure Earth's motion through it. I was a classic failure, and continues to be.

How can a scientific theory be incorrect but still be considered a good scientific theory?

If all the evidence taken into consideration can be explained by the scientific model proposed and the model successfully predicts outcomes of experiments yet to be performed, it is a "good scientific theory" It still can be incorrect. If it is proven incorrect it should be abandoned.