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Q: If allergic reaction to Demerol delotid percadan codiene is it safe to take lorata?
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Related questions

How long does Demerol show up in a hair sample?

Demerol will show up as an opiate but only if they do an extended opiate test. The only opiate that will show up in hair follicle is morphine or codiene unless the extended test is requested.

If I am allergic to Codeine should I take morphine?

codiene will have no effect if you are taking morphine - morphine in value exceeds morphine by 1/1000

Can you do cocaine if you're allergic to codeine?

Cocaine and codiene are in completley different drug groups. (unless the cocaine happens to have been cut with codiene)

How does marijuana react with codiene?

An upper and a downer, you would be very likely to have a bad reaction and at big risk of an O.D.

Does an epidural contain pethidine codeine or amoxycillin?

No... If it had pethidine or codiene I would be dead because I'm severely allergic to both. And amoxycillin is an antibiotic - they inject that seperately.

Can you take hydrocodone if you are allergic to codeine?

Yes. Hydrocodone is a synthetic derivative of codeine. It does not contain the actual substance. I would also add that in my experience, the nausea seen with use of codeine is rarely seen with hydrocodone.

Does penicillin have codiene?


What is Codiene Slang for?

Codiene isn't slang. Codiene is an opiate, a milder form of morphine, and subsequently, a milder form of heroin. It is sold on presciption and is found in some cough syrups.

Is there any over the counter codiene?

Is there anything over the counter that shows up codiene

Where was codiene made?


What are codiene?

take em

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