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The act of laying the egg is natures way of ensuring that IF the hen is mated she can produce chicks. In the wild a hen may not have a rooster available at all times but will be capable of reproduction on the chance meeting of a rooster.

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Q: If an egg hatches only when the hen mates with a rooster otherwise the laid eggs never hatch. What is the purpose of hen laying eggs regularly if it is not meant to hatch?
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If a rooster lays a egg?

after a couple of week it hatches

If a rooster is on a roof an hatches a egg with way does the egg fall?

that's funny cause if u don't know rooster don't lay eggs."ha ha".

What is the purpose of a wattle on a rooster?

Temperature regulator

Is rooster laying egg?

Do you mean, can a rooster lay an egg? The answer is no. Only hens can lay an egg. Do you mean, will a rooster incubate an egg till it hatches? The answer is no, only hens incubate the eggs. Occasionally a rooster that doesn't know any better will sleep in the nestbox but he is not there to incubate and could actually break and eat the egg instead. Do you mean, will a rooster chick hatch out of an egg? Yes, both roosters and hens come from eggs.

What is the purpose of the tiny dot in an egg?

That's the rooster sperm.

What purpose does it serve to neuter a rooster?

No mating. A neutered rooster (called a capon) grows slightly faster than an unaltered rooster, and caponized roosters don't fight as much.

Why chickens lay eggs in the winter?

well because of the cold the chicken or rooster likes to take the egg out so when it hatches the chicken wont be so cold

How do you make the rooster not to cockledoodledoo?

Roosters crow. It is in their nature. They can't really be trained to do otherwise.

How do you get chickens?

you get eggs by just hens but in order to get a chick you need a rooster to breed with a hen. then when it lays an egg it might be fertile. It takes about 21 days until the chick actually hatches.

Where are the spurs on rooster?

Defensive weapons. Roosters fight and defend by kicking, the spurs are meant just for that purpose.

How do chickens act before they lay an egg?

Well they get on the nest and start clucking kind of softly. They stick up the tail feathers and in about three minutes, the egg drops. If they are what is called broody they will saty pn the egg, for 21 days approx. till it hatches if it has been mated with a rooster. Chickens do no need a rooster to lay eggs.

What is the purpose of the ''comb''?

A rooster's comb is mainly used for regulation of body heat.