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Q: If an organism has 6 pairs of chromosomes how many different gametes can it produce?
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The number of possible genetically different gametes for an organism equals 2N, where N is the number of pairs of chromosomes. If an organism has four pairs of chromosomes, how many different gametes can it produce?

16 (apex)

If an organism had 4 pairs of chromosomes how many different gametes can it produce?

For a species with three pair of chromosomes how many gametic combinations are possible?

If an organism has five pairs of chromosomes how many different gametes could it produce without crossing over?

Ill tell you when your older

How many different gametes can heterozygous organism produce?

Literally millions of different gametes. That is why each individual is unique.

If an oranism has 6 pairs of chromosomes how many different gametes can it produce?

64 :) {APEX}

Which organism can produce the highest of genetically different gametes A. MeerkatB. HareC. HyenaD. Kangaroo?


What is fertiization?

It is the fusion of gametes to produce a new organism.

Which organism can produce the highest number of genetically different gametes out of a hare hyena kangaroo or a meerkat?

i think it is meerkat

What are the number of gametes made in males?

Gametes are cells that each have half of the normal chromosomes of the individual they belong to. The reason for this is that during reproduction, the chromosomes in each of the gametes add together to create a full set of chromosomes. Each half a set of chromosomes comes from a different person, which is why sexual reproduction produces offspring with mixed and different traits than their parents. The gametes in males are sperm, and the gametes in females are ova(egg cells). I hope this helped out ;)

When DNA is combined from two different sources what kind of organism does it produce?

If the two different sources of DNA are a sperm and egg cell, they produce a diploid organism, which means that it has two sets of chromosomes in its body cells.

What does meiosis produce in gamete?

Meiosis produces gametes which have only one set of chromosomes for that species.

What does gametic meiosis produce?

Meiosis produces gametes which have only one set of chromosomes for that species.