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Q: If birds are animals, then why do we study them as a separate?
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Is birds classified as animals?

Leopard seals and orcas love to eat penguins.

What is the study of pigs?

There is no separate word for the study of pigs. It would technically fall under zoology, which is the study of animals.

Is ornithology a branch of zoology?

Ornithology is the study of birds and zoology is the study of all animals, so yes.

Three words used to write about zoology?

animals, mammals, fish, insects, study, birds, (basically any word that deals with the study of animals, which is what zoology is)

Ornithology is a study of?

Ornothology is the study of birds

What is Ornithology is the study of?


What does a ornithologist study?

Ornithologist study birds.

What do you call a scientist who studies birds?

He/she is an ornithologist.Someone that studies birds is called an ornithologist.An ornothologist

What do you call on the study of birds?

The study of birds is called Ornithology.

What does the word augur mean?

To augur is to predict the future or presage. Augurs (priests) in ancient Rome predicted the outcome of various undertakings by studying the flight of birds. This was separate from the haruspex, the study of the entrails of sacrificed animals.(*not to be confused with auger, a drilling or transporting screw.)

What does an ornithologist study?

the branch of zoology that deals with birds

What ar fields of science?

There are many different fields of science but a few include Astronomy- study of space Entomology- study of insects Taxonomy- study of classification Biology- study of all organisms zoology- study of animals Micro Biology- study of microscopic organisms Marine biology-study of all underwater plants and animals Ecology- study of animals and their inviroment Ichthyology - study of fish Herpetology - study of reptiles Ornithology- study of birds There is a lot more but these are a few main ones.