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No, you cannot get emancipated from just one parent. It sounds like maybe what you're wanting to do is live with the non-custodial parent? If so, then that's a custody issue, not an emancipation issue.

An emancipation decree conferred upon a minor indicates that the minor is deemed a legal adult and does not require the intervention of other adults (including a parent) in financial or personal matters.

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Permission to move out and emancipation are two different things. Their permission to live someplace does not give you the rights of an adult.

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Q: If both your parents agree to your moving out can you be emancipated?
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Do both of your parents have to give parental consent to be emancipated or can just one of your parents do it?


What happens if you get emancipated from both my parents and want to move in with my stepmom and something bad happpens like my parents trying to get me?

if youre emancipated from your parents they have no legal grounds to detain you.

How can you be emancipated from your parents if both sides agree?

The few people I know that have been emancipated in the past have gone through Family Court. You have to be able to prove that you have the means to be independant, i.e. employment, housing, etc. Also you must not forget that until you are 21, at least in NY, the parents are responsible for their childrens actions. Emancipation absolves them from any legal actions caused by the minor once they are emancipated.

Can you get emancipated at age seventeen?

Yes you can get emancipated at seventeen but there is always paperwork that needs to be signed by both you and your parents/guardian. There has to be a reason for your emancipation.

Can a 17 year old move out of her house legally in the state of Ohio?

The age of majority in Ohio is 18. A person below 18 is considered to be emancipated (and therefore can move out without parental permission) if they are married or they are in the military (both of which require parental consent).

Can a minor child be emancipated from both parents?

If you're in the US, emancipation is always from both parents. It is not possible to be emancipated from just one. Of course, emancipation is rarely granted, because most minors don't even come close to meeting the requirements for it.

Can a 16 year old be emancipated in the state of Ohio if the parents agree?

Yes, but you will have to hire a lawyer and go before a judge to prove you can support yourself. When you become emancipated your parents don't have to support you or take care of you. You have to pay the rent, work, buy food, pay for the gas and electric, and do all the things that is required of an adult. In 2 years you will be 18 and an adult so wait to do this.

Is it legal for a seventeen year old to move out?

Some people think you are to young but the age 17 is legal to move out in Milwaukee,Wi long as you can take care your self and one parental consent, or you can get emancipated if both parents dont agree. GOOD LUCK

Can a 16 year old be emancipated if both parents are separated?

Emancipation laws vary from state to state. The status of the parents, while a factor, is not a determining one.

Does both parents have to sign for you to get emancipated in Arkansas?

Arkansas doesn't have an emancipation statute, so signatures won't make a difference.

Can a seventeen move out with parents permission?

When talking about moving out from your parents there are several things to consider: A. What state do you reside? B. Have you graduated from High School? C. Have you been emancipated by a judge? If no: some states require that you meet certain qualifications in order to become emancipated (ie: need for public assistance due to pregnancy, proven domestic abuse and your ability to provide for your own needs -- do you have a JOB?, your parents have both granted you the right to be emancipated; and of course, if you are moving out to join the military. NOTE: In some states, it is extremely difficult for parents to just sign over the rights of their children, removing their liability for the care of their child. Most states require a judge to grant emancipation. This is not a situation where you just quit school or get pregnant -- now you're emancipated. Legally, there is much more involved.) If yes: then you've established your ability to provide for yourself without assistance from your parents and you can move out on your own.

Can you leave one parents house to live with another?

Only if both parents agree that you should do so. Most have court ordered custody and that has to be resolved through the courts if they do not agree.