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Yes, it will still be good. Cool Whip does not have any milk in it. It will keep for many days if kept in the refrigerator.

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Q: Can you refreeze Cool Whip if it's not been opened?
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Is it bad to eat out of date miracle whip?

only if it has been opened and then left out

Can you use expired cool whip that was frozen?

I suppose that would depend on how long it has been in the freezer. If it's been there for over a year, then it might just be worth it to go buy a new one. However, it should be completely fine to use. Even meat, when frozen, can be thawed and consumed within 6-12 months after its normal expiry date. So, I wouldn't be worried. :)

Can the new Cool Whip in a can commercial be seen online?

I've been looking for it too. I could have sworn I heard the announcer say "a whole nother way to enjoy cool whip." Just want to make sure.

How long does scotch last once it is opened?

Scotch that has been opened will last indefinitely if kept in a cool dark place.

Can you refreeze vacuum-sealed sausage if it has not been opened?

You should not refreeze any food. Vacuum-sealing only slows the deterioration of that food; it does not kill any bacteria that might be on it so the sausage needs to be eaten within 24 hours of defrosting, unless package instructions say differently, or discarded.

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Can you refreeze calf's liver?

Not if it is raw and has been fully thawed. You can cook it and then refreeze it. Put it in an air tight container.

Can you refreeze haggis after defrosting?

It is not wise to refreeze anything once it has been defrosted - especially if it contains meat products.

Can you refreeze meat that has been frozen and cooked?

Yes. As long as the meat has been thawed and handled in a safe manner prior to cooking, then you can freeze the cooked meat. A lot of people cook meals ahead of time for convenience.

Can you refreeze cooked chicken after it has been frozen and thawed?

no because if its already frozen and u refreeze it it will come out nasty and spoiled

I have a Bottle of Dimple Scotch which is un-opened and has been in my family for almost 40 years Is it still drinkable?

If it has been kept cool and out of the sun, yes.

How long will cool whip last in the freezer?

It should say on the bottom of the package. If not, it's usually good for about a year, if it's been kept frozen and not thawed.