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research the law for your state. who ever the children are living with today is more than likely who they will be living with until it is established by the court.

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Q: If custody has not been established and both parents are living who gets the children?
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depends on the crime that was committed.

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If a mother has custody of the children but does not live with them what can a non custodial parent who wants the children do?

The non-custodial parent can go to court and request custody of the children. A judge will decide which parent should be awarded custody of the children. The circumstances under which the children are currently living, combined with the reason(s) they are not living with you will be a big factor in whether or not you get to keep custody of the children.

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How can you best gain custody of your children who are currently living with their mother and the mother is a drug dealer

Does a father in nc have to give back his child to the mother in sc if no court order custody is in place?

No, both parents have equal rights to the child. If the child is currently living with the father, then he has established temporary custody. A court will need to decide upon a formal custody and child support agreement.

Can you get custody of your children if they now live with you?

If there was a previous court order giving the other parent custody, but the children are now living with the non-custodial parent, then yes. You should petition the court to change the custody order to reflect the new living arrangements.

Who has legal custody of a minor child when parents never married in the state of co?

mother has sole custody even if living with father

What exactly is physical custody?

Physical custody means that a person (typically the parent) has the right to have the child living with them. This could be sole physical custody, or even joint physical custody in which the parents share custody of their child.

who will detemine custody of children?

In cases of children born out of wedlock, if there is a custody dispute, then it would be settled by the courts. The court will try to determine what living situation would be in the best interest of the child.

Do grandchildren have rights to their grandparents even if the children's parents are living?

Grandparents have no legal right to have custody over their grandchildren like parents do. Any relative have the same right to petition for custody if the parents are gone. If the parents are there they are the ones deciding where the child will live.Grandparents can have the right to petition for visitation though depending on which state they are in. That is something other relatives don't have. The laws differs on grandparents rights. The court usually don't go against parents wishes though.Another PerspectiveYou asked about grandchildren's rights to their grandparents. Unfortunately, the parents have the right to make decisions for their minor children. If the parents decide to keep their children from seeing their grandparents they may do so.

Does a father have a chance for full custody?

yes he does but it all comes down to the situation of the parents and the children. if courts see that the mother isn't fit to be a good parent, they give the father full custody!! ANSWER: The best way to answer your question is to ask this one to yourself: What is in the best interest of the child? If living with the father is the best situation, then it needs to be fully proved in court.

Is Adultry grounds for divorce and custody of children in Maryland?

Yes, adultery is grounds for divorce but less likely to be a grant of custody. This is because when courts are looking to award custody they look to what is in the best interest of the child. If the adultery situation is one in which there is a questionable living situation then it would become a factor in the award of custody but it is not determinative. You also have to keep in mind that courts do try to keep the children in contact with both parents so although they may have their issues they attempt to create a situation in which parental problems do not project on the children.