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Q: If db2 is down is it possible to compile a program in mainframe?
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Why c program runs faster then java program?

The main reason for this is that C code compiles down to native machine code. Java bytecode needs to be run in the JVM, which may or may not compile it down to native code.

Difference between a java complier and the Java JIT?

A java compiler takes Java source code and turns it into Java bytecode, which can then be run by the java virtual machine.Using JIT means that the java code will be compiled and executed at the time that you run the program, which will slow down the program because it has to compile the code at the same time that it runs.

Is it possible to have adsense and another program like adsense on your website?

Absolutely! But people have reported the adsense earnings dived down because of that.

Is overloading done at compile time or run time?

Overloading will be done at compile time itself. Proof: If you try to narrow down the access modifier for a method from public in the parent class to private in the child class while overloading, the compiler will not let you do it.

Interpreter vs compiler.?

Compiler -- spends some time evaluating the entire program and then translates all the programming statements of a program into a machine language program, which is then executed at once.Interpreter -- translates interactively each programming statement into an immediately usable machine language instruction. Although an interpreter slows down the execution speed of a program somewhat, it does not require extra steps to compile and link like a compiler.In a production environment where throughput is more critical, a compiled language is preferred.Any high-level language can either be interpreted or compiled.

Can you really buy a house with no out of pocket cost?

It is possible to buy a house with no out of pocket cost. First, there was a program for military veterans. They had government assistance. That program has been difficult to get into but it may still exist. Second, the no money down mortgage program has dried up. Most banks have discontinued that program. Third, the only program left is a charity for extremely special situations.

When NASA shut down?

NASA will not shut down it is just shutting down the space program. After the space program will start the Constellation Program that will send human beings to the moon at back to earth safely.

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"When looking for outdoor shops, keep in mind what your needs are. Ask around to friends and people who share your interests to start. Compile a list then research each shop online or in person if, possible. Keep a pros and cons list to help narrow down your choices."

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What are the benefits of itext?

iText is a PDF viewer and editor. The main benefit is that it is free and can be used to amend PDF files which is not possible in Acrobat. It also is a lightweight computer program that does not slow down your system.

Is it possible to return to the slow down time?

Yes, it is possible to gradually return to the slow down time