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Q: If deciding not to serve alcohol to these two suspected minors what is Gabriel's next appropriate action?
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After deciding not to serve alcohol to these two suspected minors what is Gabriela?

Ask them to leave the bar area since drinking alcohol is predominant there.

What to do in alcohol overdose?

In case of suspected alcohol overdose or toxicity, go to the nearest emergency room. This is a very serious and lethal condition.

Who is abusing alcohol?

Anyone who consumes more alcohol than appropriate is abusing it.

What decision are you making in the second step of the intervention model?

You are deciding whether or not the guest has enough money to pay

How do you get alcohol posioning?

Alcohol poisoning is caused by consuming too much alcohol in too short a period of time. It is serious and can be fatal. Always obtain emergency medical help if alcohol poisoning is suspected.

How can alcohol cause death?

At extremely high levels the alcohol bodily functions slow too much for the body to live. That 's why it is essential to obtain medical help if alcohol poisoning is even suspected.

A workstation is experiencing an error that is caused by suspected dirty RAM contacts?

Isopropyl Alcohol Lint-free Swap

What is a lethal dose of alcohol?

What constitutes a minimum lethal dose of methanol depends on a number of factors. However, if alcohol poisoning is ever suspected, medical help should be obtained immediately.

What alcohol make you drunk?

The only one that anyone should drink (in appropriate amounts) is ethanol. Consuming any other kind of alcohol (isopropanol/isopropyl alcohol: "rubbing alcohol", methanol: "wood alcohol") will be really bad for your health.

Who is responsible for deciding if a person is intoxicated and if the sale of alcohol to them would be illegal?

The person who actually serves, sells, or delivers the alcoholic beverage.

Iif you drink something with heroin will it show in a drug test?

Only if they are testing for drugs but if your suspected of alcohol abuse and are having a blood test to determine how bad your problem with alcohol is it will NOT be tested for heroin and other drugs.

What effects on hand eye coordination does alcohol have?

Alcohol typically has a negative effect on hand eye coordination. Some people already have bad hand eye coordination, and when adding alcohol, it makes it worse, which is why a cop will make you walk in a straight line if you are suspected of driving drunk.