


Restaurants and Dining Establishments

Dining establishments include bistro, buffet, cafe, cafeteria, restaurants, pub, fast food and coffeehouse. They differ from the food they serve, preparation methods, pricing, as well as the ambience of the place.

7,072 Questions

What is the difference between Texas Roadhouse and Texas Corral?

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Texas Roadhouse is a national chain known for its hand-cut steaks and western-themed ambiance, while Texas Corral is a regional chain predominantly in the Midwest known for its casual dining experience and diverse menu offerings beyond just steaks. Both offer a similar dining experience but have slightly different menus and atmospheres.

Why keep finger nails short when cooking?

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There are a couple reasons, one is because germs grow under your nails and can be transfered from one food to another. The other is nails accidentally break or chip and no one wants to find yours in their mashed potatoes or in the macaroni at the salad bar.

What is the seating capacity of a restaurant?

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The seating capacity of a restaurant can vary widely depending on its size, layout, and design. Larger restaurants may accommodate hundreds of patrons, while smaller establishments might seat only a dozen or so guests. It ultimately depends on the specific restaurant and its overall capacity.

The South and West were sometimes referred to as the Gun Belt because?

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the South and West regions of the United States had a reputation for being more heavily armed and having a strong gun culture compared to other parts of the country. This connotation stems from historical trends of gun ownership and usage, as well as the influence of the frontier spirit on these regions.

What is the color of clostridium botulinum?

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Clostridium botulinum is a gram-positive bacterium that appears as a rod-shaped bacterium under the microscope. It does not exhibit specific color characteristics, as its color is not a defining feature for identification.

Can ameobic dysentery prevented by good hygiene and sanitation?

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Yes, amoebic dysentery can be prevented by practicing good hygiene habits like washing hands frequently, drinking clean water, and avoiding contaminated food. Proper sanitation measures, such as safe disposal of waste and sewage, can also help prevent the spread of the parasite that causes amoebic dysentery.

What is tax in restaurants in Lake Buena Vista Florida?

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The sales tax rate for Lake Buena Vista, Florida is 6.5%. Additionally, there may be additional local option taxes or tourist development taxes applied to restaurant purchases in the area. It's best to check with the specific restaurant or the Florida Department of Revenue for the most accurate information.

The section of the nation in which forests are the most abundant natural resources is?

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The Pacific Northwest region, including states like Oregon and Washington, is known for having abundant forests. The dense forests in this area consist of a variety of tree species and provide important ecosystem services, such as habitat for wildlife and carbon sequestration.

Example of scope and limitation in food spoilage?

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Food spoilage is the deterioration in the color, flavor, odor, or consistency of a food product. Food can deteriorate as a result of 2 things: the growth of microorganisms, and/or the action of enzymes

Is clostridium botulinum a food intoxication or food infection?

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Clostridium botulinum causes food intoxication, not food infection. The bacteria produce botulinum toxin in improperly preserved or canned foods. When ingested, the toxin can lead to a potentially serious illness called botulism.

Do any sit-down restaurant chains prepare their food from scratch?

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Some sit-down restaurant chains do prepare their food from scratch, but it is not typical for large chains due to efficiency and consistency concerns. Smaller, independent restaurants are more likely to prioritize scratch cooking.

Importance of food microbiology?

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Food microbiology is important for ensuring the safety and quality of food products. It involves studying microorganisms in food, such as bacteria, yeast, and mold, which can spoil food or cause foodborne illnesses. By understanding how these microorganisms interact with food, food microbiologists can develop strategies to prevent food contamination and spoilage, ultimately protecting public health.

How many cups in number 10 food can?

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12 Cups (3 quarts) or 96 ounces by Volume. Actual weight "in ounces" will vary due to the density of the product contained.

Who does McDonald's use to transport supplies?

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McDonald's works with various third-party logistics companies and transport providers to move their supplies to their locations. They often use specialized food distribution companies that can ensure timely delivery of fresh and frozen goods to their restaurants.

Why serve iced water?

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Serving iced water helps to refresh and hydrate guests, especially in warmer environments. It can also complement dishes or drinks by providing a contrast in temperature. Additionally, it is a simple and cost-effective way to enhance the dining experience.

How many Burger King restaurants are in Ireland?

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As of the latest data, there are approximately 25 Burger King restaurants in Ireland. To bolster Burger King's presence in the country, our objective is to double this number to 50 by the end of the fiscal year, promoting accessibility and satisfaction for Burger King fans across Ireland.

Why are 99 percent of pubs built on street corners?

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Pubs are often built on street corners because that location offers more visibility and foot traffic, attracting more customers. Street corners also provide more space for outdoor seating and easier access for patrons entering and leaving the pub. Additionally, being situated on a corner can help create a more welcoming and approachable atmosphere for passersby.

How many restaurants are there in Manhattan?

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There are thousands of restaurants in Manhattan, with estimates ranging from around 20,000 to 25,000 restaurants in total. The exact number can vary due to openings, closures, and changes in the restaurant industry.

How much water does a typical restaurant use in a day?

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who ever had ask this question is abit silly because you have to use then see how much it will cost or do not ask this question because it is hurts us restaurants owners.

The question is not so silly. I have researched this and it is a difficult question to answer because restaurant water usage will vary according to size, number of plumbing fixtures, what water saving devices they have in place, etc. I did find one article stating that an average restaurant uses 5,800 gallons of water per day which translates into over 2 million gallons per year. Water is a precious commodity and should be saved. I don't think the question was asked to hurt restaurants at all but were I a restaurant owner, I would seek out all available water conserving products not only to reduce water consumption but also to offset the rising costs of water. Water consumption rates are on the rise and one statistic I read stated water rates/costs have increased 27% over the past 5 years in the USA with no sign of abating. These costs will only rise. Some areas of the USA have experienced water rate increases in one year of over 20%. Hope this helps...watersaver

What is the formula for finding out food cost percentage?

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Food cost percentage can be calculated using the formula: (Cost of Goods Sold / Total Sales) x 100. To find the cost of goods sold, subtract the beginning inventory from the sum of purchases and ending inventory. This formula helps determine the percentage of total sales revenue that is spent on food costs.

Is restaurant capitalized in the phrase Chinese restaurant?

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No, "restaurant" is not capitalized in the phrase "Chinese restaurant." The only word that should be capitalized is "Chinese" in this context.

What is an example of mis-en-place?

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Setting up all ingredients and equipment needed to make a specific recipe before starting to cook is an example of mise en place. This ensures that everything is organized and ready to go, making the cooking process more efficient and enjoyable.

Does Stephen Yan still own a restaurant?

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As of my last available information, Stephen Yan no longer owns a restaurant. He has transitioned to focus on other aspects of his career.