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I think you meant "matter" as opposed to "energy"? And at any rate yes there is a very high probability that the particles that make up your body were once a part of dinosaurs.

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3mo ago

Yes, that's possible. Energy is neither created nor destroyed, only transferred. So it's conceivable that some of the particles in your body could have been part of a dinosaur at some point in the past, as they are continuously recycled through the environment over time.

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Q: If energy never dies does that mean that there are particles in your body that could have once been particles in a dinosaur?
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When equilibrium is reached do particles still move?

Yes, particles continue to move even when equilibrium is reached. In a state of equilibrium, the rate of forward and backward reactions are equal, but individual particles within the system still have kinetic energy and move randomly.

A short note on quantum theory?

Quantum theory is a framework that explains the behavior of particles at the smallest scales. It suggests that particles can exist in multiple states simultaneously and that their exact position and momentum can never be simultaneously known with certainty. Quantum theory has led to groundbreaking advancements in technology, such as quantum computing and cryptography.

What concept in Bohr's theory makes it impossible for an electron in the ground state to give up energy?

By definition, no object can go to a lower energy level than its ground state. Bohr simply assumed that the ground state of an electron in an atom was due to the minimum amount of angular momentum it could have. An electron could have that minimum amount (we'll call it 'h') or two times h, or three times h; but never less than h, and never a fraction of h. Since an electron can never go to a lower energy level than its ground state, it can't give up energy.

What is the energy used by all living things starts with what?

The sun is the source of all energy except geothermal.

How much ozone can you make with 9 oxygen particles?

The term "oxygen particles" is not well defined, since it might refer to either oxygen atoms or oxygen molecules. Chemists would never describe oxygen in terms of particles, they would be specific. Ozone is the O3 molecule, containing 3 oxygen atoms. If you had 9 oxygen atoms you could make three ozone molecules. But if you had 9 oxygen molecules, you could make 6 ozone molecules, since the oxygen molecule is O2 and contains two oxygen atoms.

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What do you call a dinosaur if it is dead?

You would call it a dead dinosaur. You could refer to a fresh body as a dinosaur carcass. One that is only bones would be a dinosaur skeleton. However, you probably would never see the above. A fossilized dinosaur is called a dinosaur fossil.

When was Never Say Dinosaur created?

Never Say Dinosaur was created on 1996-06-11.

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Kinetic energy is directly related to the movement of particles in a substance. As particles move, they possess kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion. The more movement there is within a substance, the higher the kinetic energy of its particles.

Can a cougar kill a Spinosaurus?

A cougar, also known as a puma, can never kill spinosaurus. A cat less than 2 metres long could never kill an 18 meter long dinosaur which is the biggest carnivorous dinosaur.

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Where can you buy Dinosaur Planet n64?

Dinosaur Planet for N64 never made it to the market, it was cancelled. .j.

Is afasaur a dinosaur?

Never heard of it -- so nope.

Who has ever really seen a dinosaur?

The human has never seen a dinosaur! exept from birds and crocs and alligators which are related to the dinosaurs.

Matter waves are what A. Never associated with stationary particles. B. Never associated with charged particles. C. Never associated with uncharged particles.?

B. Never associated with charged particles. Matter waves, as described by quantum mechanics, are associated with particles, whether they are charged or uncharged.

Do particles ever stop?

No, particles never stop moving.

What was the first ever dinosaur?

That depends on what you mean. The first Dinosaur discovered by scientists and named was Megalosaurus. But many believe that ancient civilizations based myths of dragons, griffens, sea serpents, Gods, etc, on Dinosaur fossils. The first Dinosaur to appear, as in the oldest Dinosaur, was Herrarasaurus. But older Dinosaur fossils may be found, so we can never be certain.