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Q: If father resides in Texas and Mother resides in California with kids where do they file for child support?
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Can a Mexican mother file for child support when the father lives in California?


Can a mother living in Nigeria file for child support in California if the father lives in California?

Yes. Pay up.

If child lives with mother in a different state does the father pay support where the child resides or where the father resides?

The court that issued the order has jurisdiction but moving can complicate the situation. You should consult with an attorney or some other child support enforcement specialist. Courts will enforce child support orders from other states however, with reduced staff, it may be difficult to find that kind of support.

How can you know if a child has been taken away from her mother if the mother does not want to tell the father of the child or the father's family?

One would assume the father has access rights and would figure out the child no longer resides with the mother. He will be notified that the child support will be going to a different receiver. see links below

Is the father still obligated to pay child support even if he resides with both the mother and the child?

If court ordered? Yes. If she's collecting Welfare? Yessee link

I am in California...If a child gets pregnant while living with her mother does the father have to pay child support for the child's child as well?

Child support for the grandchild is the responsibility of the grandchilds father, not the grandchild. If the father is a minor, you can take his parents to court for support.

If Father and Mother live in Mexico Does child support still have to be paid in California?

If they have establish residency in Mexico, California no longer has jurisdiction and it needs to be transferred.

Does the biological father have to pay child support if the mother still resides in the home?

Typically, no; if you're under court order to do so, however, get an order terminating support (and setting the amount of arrearage, if any) - do not simply stop paying on your own.

Can a father of a child born out of wedlock enroll him in a school where he resides when child's mother has always enrolled him in school where she resides?

Only the legal guardian or custodial parent can do this and in this case I have a feeling it's the mother so no, he can not.

Can a child over 18 sign off back child support owed by the father in California?

No, only the parent (in this case I assume the mother), who he owed the money to can do that.

If a 15-year-old moves to California to live with her mother after living with her 11-year-old brother and father for 4 years in Washington and her brother stays in WA how does child support work?

If your father was given total custody of you and your brother then he could go to court to get you back. However, (and you would have to ask your mother this) if your mother and father have joint custody (such as you or your brother seeing your mother on spring break or other holidays) then child support would continue as was instructed by the courts. If your father had total custody and your mother never saw you, then she could file for partial child support. I know it's confusing, but simply put, if your father doesn't pay your mother child support she should see at least Child Welfare regarding this matter and your father should be paying her some child support regarding you. Good luck hon Marcy

Could the child support be field in the state the father in?

No. An order of support may only be filed and issued in the jurisdiction where the child legally resides. If support is awarded, your state's department of child support enforcement will be responsible for collection of support even if the father resides in another state. All states have reciprocal agreements for enforcement though, so this is usually no more of an issue than collecting support if both parents live in the same state.