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Q: If foods stay in the temperature danger zone how long will it be until the microorganisms can grow to a level that can cause illness?
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Can cooked beans cause food poisoning when left a room temperature?

Yes. Cooked beans left at room temperature could support the growth of pathogenic microorganisms and cause illness.

What we called harm-full microorganisms?

The ones that cause illness.

What things are in lake water?

microorganisms in it that can cause illness, diseases, and death.

What is blood poisoning?

Blood poisoning is the presence in the bloodstream of microorganisms or their toxins in sufficient quantity to cause severe illness.

What microscopic organism causes disease?

It would be impossible to list all of them. There are endless numbers of microorganisms that cause illness in humans.

What is the definition of a microbial cell?

A microbial cell is pathogenic bacterium. Microbes are microorganisms and can cause illness in hosts that they feed off of.

Can you die from eating poop?

Directly, probably not. Indirectly yes. Feces contains many microorganisms that can cause serious illness and death.

What are the medical substances obtained from micro organisms?

medicines called vaccinations and antibiotics are taken as pills or injected - to fight microorganisms that cause illness.

What is the difference between foodborne microorganisms and food poisoning microorganisms?

All micro-organisms are no food poisoning micro-organisms,but all food poisoning micro-organisms are a category of micro-organisms. Food poisoning micro-organisms are harmful for a person but all micro-organisms are not harmful for example lacto-bacallius is a micro-organisms which is present in curd(yogurt) causes no food-poisoning whereas The microorganism salmonella bacteria, causes an infectious illness and can be passed on to another person and causes food poisoning.

What are some harmful micro organisms?

Harmful microorganisms cause disease and illness to animals and plants. Some of these include E. coli, the cholera virus, anthrax and Lyme.

What is a microorganisms that cause disease?

Microorganisms that cause disease are known as pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses and fungi.

What is the disadvantages of microorganisms?

The disadvantage of microorganisms is that many of them cause disease.