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If global warming affects the ozone hole, the UV will come in. This will lead to more global warming.

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Q: If global warming affects the hole in the ozone layer what would happen?
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If global warming affects the hole in the ozone layer what would happen to the hole?

If global warming affects the hole, the hole will become larger. This would mean more UV's.

Is the main cause of the thinning of the ozone layer global warming?

The main cause of thinning is CFC's. Global warming also affects it.

How does it affects ozone layer and result to global warming?

ozone layer is affected by the man made and natural causes. Somewhere down the line, it also causes global warming.

Is The ozone hole over Antarctica is contributing to a continental warming trend?

Ozone layer affects global warming. It then affects the climate on earth and bringing a warming trend.

What does global warming do to the ozone layer?

The ozone hole has little if nothing to do with global warming. The ozone hole is the thinning of the ozone layer, particularly over the south pole, where the extreme cold causes extreme thinning. Global warming is the rising temperature of the earth's atmosphere caused by human deforestation and the burning of fossil fuels.

Which of these causes the other - global warming and the hole in the ozone layer?

Neither. Global warming has nothing to do with the hole in the ozone layer. The hole in the ozone layer has nothing to do with global warming.

Global Warming and Ozone layer and its effects on Developments?

Global warming is the warming of globe. Ozone layer is the layer of ozone. It is depleting due to former.

What are some environment deplete in the ozone layer?

There are huge environmental affects of deplete in ozone. Global warming is one such.

Can the ozone layer cause global warming?

Ozone depletion causes global warming. This then causes global temperature to change.

What is the ozone layer and how does burning fossil fuels effect it?

Ozone layer is a layer of ozone gas in atmosphere. Burning fossils affects global warming, thus affecting it.

How does hole in this layer cause global warming and its adverse effects on life at earth?

Hole in ozone causes UV to enter. They kill Planktons which might have avoided global warming. This causes adverse affects.

Does global warming caused hole in ozone layer?

The ozone layer and global warming are very loosely connected. It is the carbon emissions around the ozone layer that are causing global warming.