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I'm assuming you're asking if you had sex with him the next day and he did not ejaculate inside of you: Yes. The chances would be very slim. Usually after urinating most of the sperm gets flushed out, but there could still be some in the pre-ejaculate, even the next day.

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Q: If he had sperm on him from the day before could a girl still get pregnant?
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Can a female get pregnant on her 4th day of her period?

A female cannot get pregnant during menstruation as there is no egg present to fertilize. However a woman can get pregnant as a result of sex on her period as if her cycle is short there may be fertile cervical mucus present that could keep sperm alive long enough to still be around when she ovulates after menstruation.

Does sperm have to go inside a girl for her to get pregnant?

It is POSSIBLE to become pregnant if the sperm is ejaculated around the vaginal area but not necessarily inside you. The chances are remote but it has happened. Always avoid genital to genital contact during sex by using a betcha but that tail on the sperm makes them able to swim... so they can still get inside on a "near miss"

What is the difference between pre-ejaculatory fluid and sperm?

Pre-ejaculatory fluid (PEF) and sperm are different. PEF is mainly a lubricant to prepare for ejaaculation and if it has any sperm in it it's small amounts (one can still get a woman pregnant) usually left over from last ejaculation and can be washed out by urination. Sperm is the cells the male sends out in ejaculation and impregnates woman.

Do men need to climax inside vagina for the woman to get pregnant?

Generally, Yes But, there are rare occasions when the sperm fertilises the egg while it is still in the fallopian tube. This is called an ectopic pregnancy. Sperm has to enter the vagina for a woman to become pregnant unless she is being artificially inseminated clinically, or having IVF treatment.

Can a woman be pregnant when menstruation is on?

there is a small possibility of becoming a pregnant during the period Women often mistake slight bleeding that can occur with ovulation as their period. Unprotected sex at this time can greatly increase your chances of becoming pregnant. Additionally, sperm can live in the female reproductive system for up to three days. Because some women ovulate at the very end of their menstrual periods, sperm may still be alive at this point, and able to fertilize an egg.

Related questions

Your partner can use the sperm which you left in condoms to get pregnant?

Yes. It is still viable sperm and can still get people pregnant if they try.

Can I get pregnant if I am on my period and I have a tampon in me and he doesn't ejaculate but he rubs his penis by my vagina but not quite on it?

No ejaculation means no sperm, you can't get pregnant, unless he masturbated just before and still had sperm on his penis.

Can you not get pregnant when sperm is yellow?

Semen can be yellowish and still be normal so you can still get pregnant.

Can you still get pregnant if your partner has lumpy sperm with jelly like things in it?

probally, its still sperm.

If I had a miscarriage and my pregnancy symptoms disappeared but now they are back could I still be pregnant?

If you really had a miscarriage, you can't still be pregnant, but you could be pregnant again before you get your next period.

If sperm gets inside the butt or the throat can you still become pregnant?

Sperm has to come in contact with your vagina to get pregnant.

Can a girl leave sperm in her mouth then put it in her and get pregnant?

Yes, if the sperm is still alive there is the possible chance she can get pregnant.

Can a pregnant girl still swallow sperm while she's pregnant?


Can you still get pregnant if the sperm hits the air?

If the sperm Doesn't touch the vagina in any way, shape or form then No, you cannot get pregnant.

Can you have a period after becoming pregnant?

yes you can. It could still be in the cycle one or two more times even after the sperm has reached the egg.

Can you get pregnant if sperm is in the condom and the condom comes off and you keep going?

Yes. Most women get pregnant that way. The guy still will have sperm in his penis. The proper way to do the pull out method is to pull out then stop. Give it a few hours if you want to keep going. Some guys even pre-cum so you could still get pregnant.

Where is the sperm located in a lesbian?

When they are pregnant it is in the egg. When someone is a lesbian they do not start making sperm, they are still a woman.