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Q: If he said i feel uncomfortable to a girl does that mean he was cheating?
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When a girl tries to look for her friend when you say you like her what does this mean?

Most likely, this means the girl does not feel that same way about you, and/or your statement made her uncomfortable. It is also possible, however, that the girl may like you but is shy and doesn't feel that was the appropriate time to discuss the issue.

If you dream about your girl friend cheating on you does it mean she really is?

No it doesnt.

What does it mean if a girl leaves when your friends come over?

If you are a male and your friends are all males she may feel uncomfortable or, if your friends are both female and males she may be shy and doesn't feel she fits in. Start communicating with this girl and ask her why she always leaves when your friends come over.

What does it mean when a girl hides her hand?

maybe because she feels uncomfortable around you

When you dream your girlfriend is cheating on you with a girl what does it mean?

it means you do not trust your girlfriend.

Is there a such thing as verbally cheating?

it really depends on how you feel about it. if by verbally cheating you mean phone sex or something along those lines, then i would consider that cheating

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If a girl is cheating how would she hide her cheating sex fluids from you and wouldnt it feel different with sex and she has been tryin new stuff during sex like heels an performing different positons?

She may be trying different things to spice things up - tired of the same old but that doesn't mean she is cheating. No it would not feel different during intercourse. If you are suspicious the best thing would be to calmly discuss this with her and see how she responds. If you trust her you will believe her and put your insecurities to rest. No of coarse it does not mean she is cheating.

How to take after catching the cheating from my boyfriend?

Well if he cheated on you than you need to get over him. (not trying to be mean.) If he was stupid enough to break up with you than its his loss. He gave up on your relationship so if you caught him cheating make his new girl give up on their relationship. He needs to feel the pain.

What does it mean when a guy whistles at a girl?

Whistling at a girl is often seen as disrespectful and objectifying, reducing her to an object of desire rather than treating her with respect. It can make the girl feel uncomfortable or harassed. It is important to communicate with others in a respectful manner and refrain from behaviors that can be perceived as inappropriate.

Do men act mean to their partners if they are cheating or lying?

They can act mean, if they feel they are being pressured into revealing the truth of their actions, or simply because they feel guilty for keeping such things secret.

What does it mean when you dream your boyfriend kissed another girl in your face?

You are afraid of loosing him or him cheating on you