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sometimes but most of the time they are just winding you up

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Q: If his friend told you that he likes you does that mean he does?
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If a guys friend says his friends likes you and the guy that likes you gets all embrassed does that mean he likes you?

probably, it normally mean that the guy who likes you is too shy to tell you himself but has told his friend

What does that mean if the guy you like's friend pushes him to you and tells him to talk to you?

Means that he told his friend that he likes you and his friends trying to get him to talk to you. Or he knows you like him and told his friend this so his friend getting him to talk with you.

What does that mean if the guy you like said he want to know you after a mutual friend told him you likes him and he smiled at you after he said it?

It could mean that he likes you too or that he's interested.

Would someone be upset because her told told the boy she likes that my friend likes you?

Possible it depend on the person

What if her friend says that her friend likes you does that mean she likes you?

Ask her.

How do you tell a friend your friend likes them?

What I did was I invited them over and waited for the right peaceful time then I told them not to freak out then I told them

What does it mean if you tell a guy you like his best friend and he tells you everyday that he hasn't told him Is that flirting?

It means that he likes you, but he doesn't know what to say to you. Either that or his friend really likes you, and he's told him, and he's trying to make sure that if his friend asks you if you like him, then he won't get the blame. Then again, he might have told his friend, and he's afraid you might go off at him. Hope this helped!

If a guy told your friend that he does not like you but keeps glancing at you whenever you go near him Does that mean he likes you?

no way to tell besides asking him. But if he told your friend he doesn't like you then it's probably a waste of time.

What does that mean if the guy you like said he wants to know you after a mutual friend told him you like him and he smiled at you after he said it?

He likes you. Take a chance.

What does it mean when a guy gives you a rose however you guys don't go out?

I guess it means he likes you? i don't know, a guy gave me a rose for my birthday & he told his friend, who told me, that it didn't mean anything. ):

You are 15 years old and this girls mum has told you that her 15 year old daughter talks about you quite a lot at home what does this mean does it mean she likes me or what?

it does not nececarly mean that she likes you. You could just be an awsome guy and she likes you as a friend. But if you like her as well you should ask her.

What does it mean if a girl's friends go behind her back and tell you that she likes you?

This most likely means that whatever girl told you this, she probably told you to embarrass her friend because she is jealous of her.