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Water is actually what cleans but you need something to break the surface of what your washing and soap is the best to use, and the water from your sink isn't hot enough to sterilize objects.

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Q: If hot water sterilizes why is soap also used when washing dishes?
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Related questions

Which dishwasher cleans and sterilizes the dishes?

Dishwashers, by design, clean dishes. So they'll all work well, but it depends also on the type of detergent you use.

How can you keep from wasting water?

When washing dishes, turn off water when using soap. Also you can turn off water while brushing teeth, when you rinse, then you can uses the water.

What would dry quicker dishes washed in hot or cold water?

Hot water, apart from the fact that hot water seems to evaporate faster or whatever, it also kills more germs washing dishes in water above 60 degrees C

Why Do Cities Need Water?

Cities need water for a number of reasons. First, the people in the city need water for everyday activities (washing dishes...). Also, water is needed by industry, and businesses, where it is needed for manufacturing and so on.

How do you save water in the laundry?

You can wash your dishes in the sink by hand by plugging up the sink plug. and reusing the water for every dish. and then you can fix leaky faucets

Is it better to wash dishes or use plastic plates?

it is better to wash dishes because you would decrease the amount of dishes there is in the environment . And you wouldn't necessary waste water because water gets cleaned also you would reuse the dishes you already have . I did this for a science fair project so please avoid using plastic plates. And try washing your dishes. That way you would decrease the amount of trash in the world.

What should the wash-water temperature be when washing dishes in a dishwasher?

Between 60 and 71˚C for washing, and 82 or higher for at least ten seconds to sanitize. You can also sanitize at low temp if you use chemicals (e.g. 100ppm chlorine).

Is it better to use a dishwasher or hand wash?

Using a dishwasher is faster and sometimes more cleaner than washing by hand. Hand washing saves money on energy because of drying, but it is time consuming. I prefer to use a dishwasher when I have a lot of dishes to do, but handwash if there are only a couple of dishes.

What would happen if you wore a gold ring when washing dishes?

Most of the time you can wear a gold ring when washing dishes and nothing will happen to it, except that it may possibly get cleaner as a result. However it is also possible that the ring may slip off your finger and into the sink, and might even go down the drain by accident, which is why it is generally a good idea to remove your jewelry before washing dishes.

What kind of chores did Laura Ingalls Wilder have to do?

churning butter hauling wood milking the cow cooking washing dishes sweeping sewing hauling water from the creek to the house spinning wool and knitting making/changing beds taking water out to whomever was working in the fields

Why is water purified?

To elliminate solid and biological material. Bacteria and metals are removed for their effects on the health of people that drinks it and solids are removed to allow you to use clear water for washing clothes, dishes and in personal hygiene and also to minimize sedimentation in pipes that could obstruct them.

What is dishwashing made of?

while there are those who just use effort (elbow grease) to clean dishes there are those who use a machine to clean the dishesWhat works in dish washing liquid is a stuff that lifts and removes what ever you want washed off the dishes. Fancy stuff that also cleans the water in the dishwashers is available