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No you are definitely not pregnant as the blood test is 100% accurate. You most likely have a hormonal imbalance or irregular periods. Also see a GYNO.

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Q: If hpt are negativean hcg test is neg but you still have not had your period are usually regular could you still be pregnant Even when no signs of your period are showing had breast tenderness?
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What pregnancy symptoms start showing at 5 weeks pregnant?

The most common pregnancy symptoms at five weeks are missed period, nausea, breast tenderness, and fatigue.

What is the noun for tender?

The noun is tenderness (showing tender feelings). The noun tenderness applied to a food such as meat would be a concrete noun, because it is a characteristic detected by the senses (when chewing and tasting).

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The noun is tenderness (showing tender feelings). The noun tenderness applied to a food such as meat would be a concrete noun, because it is a characteristic detected by the senses (when chewing and tasting).

Can you be showing and not pregnant?

Well you wouldn't be showing because you are pregnant, obviously. But the female may be constipated or bloated, or just have weight gain that may cause her to appear pregnant.

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How can you tell if your pregnant if your period is on?

You will usually stop having your periodif you are pregnant and you will be showing other symptoms such as naseua and cravings.

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Why is the chlorine test kit showing red?

You're pregnant. Congratulations!

Is it possible to show if you're between four and six weeks pregnant?

At six weeks pregnant the baby is around 10mm big. If you are showing it is probably a distention of your bowel, more than the baby pushing your belly out. I would say that you are not "showing" in the true sense, but it is possible that your belly is sticking out a bit. You are more likely to begin showing at around 10 weeks pregnant.

How do you identify a pregnant girl?

Unless she's showing you can just know by asking her.

How do a men know when a women is pregnant?

When she starts showing (belly becomes larger).

Im breastfeeding 7 month old ttc period 17dpo period is almost 4 days late had regular period since she turned 3 months have a lot of pregnancy symptoms i didnt notice few weeks ago can i be pregnant?

If you are late and pretty regular, showing symptoms of pregnancy, you very well could be, the only way to know for sure is take a test. You can get pregnant while breast feeding, I did.