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There wouldn't be any pollution that was being produced like it is now, but there will still be the damage that has already happed, like holes in the ozone layer, melting ice, trash in the oceans, etc....So go green!!!!

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Q: If human sources of air pollution were eliminated would there still be air pollution?
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What is the sources of air pollution?

Parents! Even though they will be there for you, we still need to realize that if and when they continue to sets boundaries and ground/punish us we are bounded to rebell.

Does England still have air pollution?

England does still have air pollution. This is because there are still factories that still have pollutants that are released into the air.

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They are still pollution-heavy

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there are still Jews around today.

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No. Unfortunately it is still found in many countries.

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No. He was eliminated on week 3.

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Light pollution is not a crime yet, but buildings should atempt to reduce it. Light pollution is still a crime against the environment.

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government sources still project a decline of 4 percent of forestland to about 703 million acres by the year 2040.

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No, because there is still a lot of pollution.

What are urban problems that still exist today?

Pollution, housing and crime. The Romans had these problems and we still have them.

What are the different types of water pollutants and their effects?

1.)Human wastes such as feces and urine 2.)Industrial wastes such as oil. 3.)Chemical runoff such as fertilizer. 4.)Detergents

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no it has long since been eliminated by your body