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only if you touch the babies

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Q: If humans observe baby hamsters will the mother hamster eat the babies?
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Why do hamsters eat humans organs?

Hamsters don't do that. You must have a evil zombie hamster.. D:

Are Hamsters smart?

Hamsters are not as smart as a dog or a dolphin. But they are able to understand that some humans feed them and other humans do not.

What is a hamsters worst food?

In that respect hamsters are like humans, each and every hamster has different likes and dislikes.

Is hamster urine deadly to humans?

No you have nothing to worry about. Hamsters only do that because their scared. My hamsters did that a lot :D hoped this helped.

What does a hamster come from?

Hamsters are rodents. Their cousins are rats and mice. Hamsters do come from the wild and became adapted to humans. I hope this helped!

Can humans get head lice from hamsters?

When you get your hamster, it should already be healthy and clean. When your hamster gets lice, that means they got it from you or any of your friends or family.

When were hamsters found?

nobody can invent a is a living creature that god made nobody can just create a hamster. god makes all living things. This depends on your belives

Do hamsters have spleens?

Yes, they do. The spleen of the hamster functions much as the spleen in humans, including immune system functions.

Why is your hamster losing his fur?

Your hamster may have mange. It's transmittable to humans, so be careful. The symptoms would be: scratching loosing fur white specks in fur (possibly) Also, to treat it, you'd want to go to a vet. They can give your hamster a shot for mange. or Hamsters lose hear in the summer and it is more noticeable in very furry hamsters though as a hamster breeder i do suggest you go to the vets if the hamster is still malting for more then 2 months. or It could be that something is irritating the hamster so it is biting its fur out to try and get rid of the irritating thing. It may be the hay or shavings you really need to observe the cage.

Can hamsters have strawberries?

no not all, i have a teddy bear hamster and i tried feeding her strawberrys and she did not eat them I also have a teddy bear hamster, he likes strawberrys, all hamsters have different tastes. Just like humans.

Is wet tail dangerous to humans?

Yes, wet tail is highly contagious to other hamsters.

How old do dwarf hamster babies need to be before it is safe for them to be touched by humans?

2-3 weeks.