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Do you HAVE to name the baby? You're an idiot. This should be a difficult time fo you.. you should be thinking more intelligent things than that. How pathetic.

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Q: If i miscarry at 16 weeks do i have to name the baby?
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Can you feel the baby kick at 11 weeks?

No. Sometime between 16 and 22 weeks, you'll start to feel your baby move.

When can you know the gender of your unborn baby?

16-20 weeks

How soon can the baby be felt by others if you felt the baby at 16 weeks?

I'm 17 weeks today and my fiancee has felt the baby twice. Also, my sister is 24 weeks and the baby stops kicking when she trys to let anyone feel it. It really just depends on the baby.

How far along must a woman be to figure out the sex of the baby?

The sex of your baby can be determined by ultrasound at 16 weeks. Doctors will usually do an ultrasound at 20 weeks.

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can anybody answer my question for me?has anybody other than me, who had a miscarrage at 16 weeks if so do u mind discussing it with me? i lost my baby at 16 weeks and my doctor told me that he couldn't be able to tell me exactly what had caused it. all i know is that my body had already started to absorb my baby.has anybody other than me, who had a miscarrage at 16 weeks if so do u mind discussing it with me? i lost my baby at 16 weeks and my doctor told me that he couldn't be able to tell me exactly what had caused it. all i know is that my body had already started to absorb my baby.

Can babies kick when you're 16 weeks pregnant?

Yes, the baby (fetus) start moving at 7 weeks but you can not feel movements until your are between 16 to 20 weeks. At 12 weeks your baby still too small for you to feel the kicks, specially if it's your 1st pregnancy. Cangrat!!!

At how many weeks in your pregnancy can you tell if the baby is a boy or girl?

At 16 weeks it is 80-90% accurate using an ultrasound

When do you start to feel the bABY KICK?

Sometime between 16 and 22 weeks, you'll start to feel your baby move.

How many times does baby kick?

Sometime between 16 and 22 weeks, you'll start to feel your baby move.

What is a name of a baby turkey?

what is the name of a male turkey? tom

When should you start feeling your baby kick?

Most women start to feel their baby's movements, like kicks, between 18-25 weeks of pregnancy. However, first-time moms may not feel kicks until closer to 25 weeks, while women who have had previous pregnancies may feel them earlier. If you are concerned about not feeling kicks within this timeframe, it's best to speak with your healthcare provider.

When you miscarriage after 4 months of pregnancy do you still give brith?

Yes. that's 16 weeks. but, no worries, it's not like actually giving birth. the embryo is still underdeveloped at this stage in the pregnancy to be considered a baby. If you were farther along in your pregnancy it would be a lot more diffucult. At 16 weeks abortions are still allowed, in most states. At 16 weeks it is VERY MUCH the same birth process. It is not an embryo, it is called a fetus which is a baby. All you have to do is look up photos of what a baby looks like at 16 weeks.