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Q: If l m and m n what is the relationship between the values l and n?
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If l is greater than m and m is greater than n what is the relationship between the values l and n?

l is greater than n

If l is greater than m and m is greater than n then what is the relationship between the values of l and n?

If l > m and m > n then l > n by the transitive property of inequality.

What is the relationship between the values m and n plotted on the number line?

what is the relationhip between the values m and n plotted on the number line

Line l is parallel to line m line l is perpendicular to line p what conclusions can be drawn about the relationship between lines m and p?

Lines are parallel if they are perpendicular to the same line. Since the lines m and l are parallel (given), and the line l is perpendicular to the line p (given), then the lines m and p are perpendicular (the conclusion).

Is there any values of m that would result in the graph not representing a function?

No. A linear relationship of the form y = mx + c is always a function for real (or complex) values of m.

What are the values of m when l equal two?

You need to show the equation. It makes a difference.

What describes the relationship between x and y for a line that has a slope of zero?

Y = mX + b where m = slope =0 and b = y intercept y = b for all values of x y is a constant for all values of x

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1 m^3 = 1 L 1,000,000 cm^3 = 1 L they r measured same way

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3 equals L K that L T M?

This phrase translates to: 3 equals three letters K that represents L T M. It seems to be describing a code or puzzle where the letters K, L, and M represent certain values or concepts.

Which two letters is the letter m situated between in the alphabet?

The letter that comes before the letter M is L. The letter that comes after M in the alphabet is N. Therefore, the letter M is situated between L and N in the alphabet.

The relationship between m and v?

The relationship between mass and volume is direct. As one increases, so too does the other.