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It actually can depend on the drugs that he's on. But it can result in some form of mental of physical defect in the child when it is born or it can also lead into a miscarriage.

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Q: If ma baby's father does illegal drugs does his sperm harm the fetus?
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What is the effect of drugs to fetus

What prevents drugs from reaching the fetus?

The umbilical cord can prevent drugs from reaching the fetus.

Are illegal drugs the only drugs that can harm the developing fetus?

No. There are many perscription and over-the-counter drugs that can hurt you. Just listen to all the warnings with all those depression, heartburn relief, ect. commercials on TV. Also, a fun tip... marijuana is illegal but never killed anybody.

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fetal alcohol syndrome

If your system is clean from marijuana is your fetus?

Yes, this means the fetus is clean. Your blood is his blood. If you have drugs in your system then so will he. You can be prosecuted for drugs in your infant's system.

What can crack cocaine do to babys?

Of course it does. Any drug will affect an unborn child. Drugs are extrememly harmful to YOUR body in the first place. Drugs get into your blood stream, which is directly connected to the fetus through the umbilical cord. The fetus absorbs the nutrients in the blood stream, which also contains the drugs and chemicals. Either way, don't do drugs. Especially if your pregnant.

Your boyfriend was on drugs while conciving is that harmful to the fetus?

yes but it would be worse if you were the one on drugs

What is the adverse effects of gyneacosid and menstrogen on the fetus?

These could be fatal for fetus. Never use such drugs without a medical prescription.

Your midwife has put down your babys head is fixed what does this mean?

It means that the fetus has decended and the head is now in the posistion ready for delivery

What can legal drugs do to a fetus?

YES! Anything you do while your pregnant can potentially harm the developping fetus. When you get drunk or high your baby will have the same effects. It could cause birth defects, brain damage, learning disabilities, all sorts of problems. If you want to see some images of thalidomide victims, researche it on google. Thalidomide was a drug used in the 60's by pregnant women to help them cope with morning sickness. Millions of these women gave birth to mutated babies. These babies had no arms or legs, so basically at their shoulder you would see hands and near their pelvis' you would see feet. Not a pretty sight. The drug was taken of the maket only a year later.

What are the Teratogenic chemical products?

Teratogenic drugs are those efeect the progress of fetus or embrio

If the father uses drugs does it effect the fetus?

No, absolutely not. Human sperm, while containing millions of genes that dictate the baby's characteristics, do not contain traces of substances such as drugs that may be present in a man's body. The true harm will come from a child being raised by a drug addicted father, but no, out of the womb the baby will not have any drugs from the father. However, the child's blood may contain traces of substances used by the mother during pregnancy.