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No, you cannot collect unemployment since you are still employed, even if you have lost work hours.

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Q: If my boss cut my hours and hired someone to take them can I file for unemployment for the hours taken away from me.?
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Unemployment compensation is not taken out of paychecks of the workers. The business pays a payroll tax to the state who uses part of the the proceeds to pay unemployment benefits.

Do you have to file unemployment taxes this year?

If you got unemployment in 2012 you do have to file taxes if you didn't have the taxes taken out of the unemployment you received.

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In general, no.

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It is a combination of Disability and Unemployment insurance.

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seized, reserved, captured, arrested, occupied, hired

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Yes. Unreturned unemployment benefits overpayments may be deducted from your federal income tax refund.

Is Medicare taken out of your unemployment check?

No; Medicare is paid for by payroll taxes and employers and employees.

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What kinds of deductions may someone choose to have taken out of their pay checks?

Above the ones required by law to be withheld (generally taxes and FICA and unemployment, etc), you can chose any that your employer will allow...he has no obligation to provide the service.