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In the Netherlands, citizenship is conferred through 'blood'. Meaning you become a Dutch citizen by being born to Dutch citizens.

If your grandparents were Dutch, and one of your parents claimed Dutch citizenship (which would be possible) and acquired it, then you would also be eligible for a Dutch password.

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Q: If my grandparents were Dutch citizens when i was born am I eligible for a Dutch passport?
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Related questions

If your grandparents have German or dutch passports can you apply for a passport?

No, you can only apply for a passport if one of your parents has citizenship to one of these countries.

If you were born in the Netherlands but grew up in America would you still be a dutch citizen?

People who hold a Dutch passport are Dutch citizens.

Your father was a Dutch citizen when you were born are you eligible for a Dutch passport if you are a U.S. citizen?

Yes, a child born from a Dutch parent is eligible for Dutch citizenship and passport. You can contact the Dutch embassy or consulate for help with the process. The younger the child is at time of application the easier the process. ---- You might want to search - the website of the Dutch Department of Foreign Affairs. You have the option of viewing it in English. According to the law, if your baby's father has now acknowledged the child as his while in utero, it might prove difficult or even impossible to obtain Dutch citizenship for your baby. On the other hand, if the mother was a Dutch citizen, the child would have been eligible for Dutch citizenship regardless of mom's acknowledgement dring pregnancy. Sounds old fashioned, but it's the law.

How do you apply for a Dutch passport?

go to the dutch embassy

On a passport where would you find a dutch passport number?

On the top-right of the passport. Next to the Nationality.

If you have Dutch nationality and Dutch passport do you need a visa for traveling to cuba?

No, you don't need a visa for traveling to Canada if you have a Dutch passport.

Where is the passport book number the inventory control number on a Dutch passport?


What do you call your Dutch grandparents?

you call dutch gran parents oma(grandma) and opa(grandpa)

How does Dutch passport number called?

A Dutch passport number is called a "paspoortnummer" in Dutch.

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Your mother was a dutch citizen can you as an American citizen obtain a dutch passport or citizenship?

yeah you just have to go to the Netherlands and know how to speak dutch for a passport or citizenship and if you don't know how to speak dutch then you can't or you'll have to learn from ur mom and it would be better if it was current dutch. i know ive lived there lol. why do you wanna be a dutch citizen??

Who is known as Dutch?

Ronald Regan was known as Dutch, as was the famous gangster Dutch Schultz. The citizens of the Netherlands are called dutch.