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If the soreness persists, check in with a doctor. Possibly might be an infection.

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Q: If one of your breasts is sore when you are thirteen do you have breast cancer?
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If one of your breasts is sore when you are fourteen do you have breast cancer?


Can excessive pressing of breast causes breast cancer?

If the breasts are pressed gently there are no chances of any harm being done to her.

If you are not pregnant and don't have breast cancer why else would your breast be sore?

The glands and ducts of the breast can become inflamed or infected. There are a variety of reasons for sore breasts. You should see your doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

What does it mean if your breasts are sore on the sides?

my breast is sore and i eat a lot of spicy

Can you have breast soreness but not be pregnant?

No. Just because your breasts are sore doesn't mean that you are pregnant. When you get your period, your breasts tend to get sore too. Sore breasts aren't the only sign of pregnancy.

Can a sore under your breast be breast cancer?

It can be cancer but just to make sure it isn't check with the doctor

What is the first clinical sign for breast cancer?

The presence of tiny lamps or cysts in the breasts are commonly known as major sign of breast cancer more often than not. Other symptoms are itchy, sore, and redenned breasts, upper back pain, and nipple changes.

Can you have sore breasts from making out?

If you mean from just kissing, no. Messing around with the nipple and breast, yes. If your breasts are feeling sore for no apparent reason you should do a home breast exam or maybe even see a doctor.

If you have swore breast does it mean you have breast cancer?

no.sometimes your breasts are sore for other reasons. MORE Breast soreness can come just before a period and is normal. Stay off sugars, salt, and caffeine before your period and that may help you.

What is sore breast an indication of?

it could be pregnacy, milk building up, or breast cancer

Im only 20 yrs old. Why have my breast been felling sore these last 2 weeks?

If your breasts are tender, then you might be pregnant.PMS will also cause sore breasts.

What causes sore sensative breasts?

There can be many reasons for sore of the reason can be change in hormone level(this is usually experienced during the start of your monthly periods), the change in harmone level can cause a little discomfort in breasts, taking of birth control pills can also cause sore breats, pregnancy, breast feeding can be some more reasons and ofcourse the very considerate reason could be breast cancer be cautious and visit doctor if u have sore breasts