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ANSWER (A)If you're referring to so-called "anthropogenic global warming", the answer is:

1. Because people don't know what will happen in the future. There is a lot of speculation about it, but the science is not at all "settled", despite what Al Gore says.

2. Because, even if global warming really is happening, it is not proven that mankind is causing it, and if mankind isn't causing it, we can't stop it either.

3. Because, even if global warming really is happening, and even if mankind is causing it, and even if mankind can stop it, it is not at all certain that the results will be "bad". In fact, the last three times global warming occurred (which, by the way, were long before the invention of the automobile, or anything else humans could have use to pump massive quantities of CO2 into the atmosphere), mankind prospered greatly due to the warmer temperatures. Higher birth rates; lower death rates; less disease and sickness; more abundant plants and animals; higher crop yields; more arable land. Even wars were less common, because the scarce resources that people and nations tend to fight over were more plentiful.

4. Because, even if the results of global warming were unquestionably bad, they are nowhere near as bad as what will happen if we make any serious attempt to stop global warming. Stopping global warming will require a complete ban on the burning of fossil fuels, which will cause a complete collapse of the world's economy. And of course, food supplies will plummet, causing widespread starvation. Compare that to 1-2 degrees warmer weather, or 1-2 feet higher sea levels.

ANSWER (B)Some people are totally clueless and don't realize that they're doing anything that might have future consequences. ANSWER (C)Some people know that they are doing harmful things, but they know that they won't be around to face the consequences and don't really care what happens to those who will. ANSWER (D)Perhaps I shouldn't be answering this question, since I'm not one of those people who "know" that mankind's actions are causing global warming. In fact, that's why I keep doing all those things, because I'm pretty sure they won't harm the environment, at least not with respect to global warming. But, among those people who do believe in anthropogenic global warming, I think this is a very valid question.

But what one person, on the whole planet, is most widely recognized as supporting the anthropogenic global warming theory? Al Gore owns a mansion in Tennessee that burns more electricity and natural gas in a single month than the average US home burns in an entire year. He also owns a fleet of automobiles, and I guarantee you not one of them is a Prius. Oh, and lets not forget his private jet, which he flies all around the world telling all of us that we need to reduce our carbon footprints. And he hangs out with all his Hollywood buddies, who own mansions and private jets and limousines, and they all complain about how all us little people are destroying the planet. The hypocrisy boggles the mind. I don't believe it for a minute, so that's why I keep doing those things that Al Gore thinks will harm the environment. But why does Al Gore keep doing them?

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Q: If people know what will happen in the future why do they keep doing things that will harm the environment?
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