

If put together do goats and sheep fight?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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The males may fight, generally they are kept together with no problems.

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Q: If put together do goats and sheep fight?
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It would be better to castrate them so they don't fight as much (or smell as much).

Can sheep and goats live together in the same pen and are they aggressive towards each other?

They may fight at first, however, once they are used to one another they will get along quite well. You should never put two male goat and sheep in the same pen alone, they will fight.

Can you put goats and sheep in the same pin?

Yes, they will adapt well with each other.

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They fight when they are put together because they have to defend their territory.

What does confirmation mean in relation to goats?

Conformation in any animal - be it goats, sheep, cattle, humans, gorillas, etc - means how well the animal is put together. It just basically means that they have straight legs, straight backs, and they're not cow-hocked, pigeon-toed, etc.

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The plural of sheep is sheep. it is used as a singular too. The plural of dozen is dozens. Put together: There are dozens of sheep.

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Can a goat bite?

Goats and sheep have very sharp teeth, so it is not a good idea to put your fingers in their mouths. But they do not bite or nip when they fight or to defend themselves (like horses sometimes do). When they fight with each other (or are occasionally naughty toward people) they butt with their head.

Are sheep bred from goats?

Yes mixed flocks of goats and sheep can do very well together. That being said there are some important considerations. The adult animals should be of similar sizes. If the animals are not used to living in a mixed group, ideally you would pen or cage them side by side so that they could see and smell one another but not physically touch. Once they were comfortably ignoring each other through the barrier getting them together in a confined area where no one can back up very far to get a running start to bash another is a good idea. Finally put them together with lots of feeder space at feeding time and remain to watch until you are certain that no animal is being harassed or picked on in your new flock.

How do bedouin people get closer to nature?

Most Bedouins live in the desert and are pastoralists, raising camels, goats, and sheep. That should put them pretty close to nature.

How do you create spider goats?

Take some spider. Take some goat. Put it together oh no!

Do female hamsters and male guinea pigs get along if you put them together for 10 minutes?

plz do not put them together they may fight