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By giving them flowers or by assassinating them in their sleep. The moral is: never sleep! You may not believe me but the same thing happened to my 7th cousin twice removed, thought to be a chipmunk. By giving them flowers or by assassinating them in their sleep. The moral is: never sleep! You may not believe me but the same thing happened to my 7th cousin twice removed, thought to be a chipmunk.

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Q: If somebody breaks a law in a dictatorship how would the dictator deal with it?
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What is left wing dictatorship?

My guess would be that a left wing dictatorship is a dictator that is liberal.

Who owns dictatorship?

A dictatorship is owned by one individual, the dictator. An example would be Hitler from Nazi Germany.

Why wouldn't you like to live under dictatorship?

It would depend on the dictatorship, but generally, what would bother me most about living in such a society would be the inability to appeal to rights or laws beyond the malleability of the dictator or his bureaucracy.

What 4 words apply to a dictatorship?

Since Nazism (National Socialism) was closely acquainted with a dictator (Adolf Hitler) in the Second World War, I would say that Nazi would be a good word that applied to a dictatorship.

What is the word used for when a total ruler takes power by force?

It would be either Totalitarianism or Anarchism.

What political systems would have a supreme leader?

A Dictatorship, ruled by a dictator it can be fascism too :)

Why is syria a dictatorship?

Why the hell would we have a dictator?Ohh i see,you think we're like those other countries that kill gay people on sight,well you're wrong. It's a free country/ .:When Dictatorship is Fact,Revolution is Right:.

Who was the dictator of Spain during the Spanish Civil War?

No one was the dictator of Spain during the Spanish Civil War. The war was fought to determine whether Spain would be a left-leaning republic (or perhaps a communist state) or a fascist dictatorship. It was only after the war that there was a dictator of Spain.

What are three differences between democracies and dictatorship?

In a dictatorship, people do not have any power. In a democracy, there is an equal amount of power. In a dictatorship, you would not have any rights to say something against the dictator. In general, you don't have much of ANY rights at all in a dictatorship. In a democracy, we have TONS of rights! I can't think of another reason...check out wikipedia or something!

What is the antonym of a dictator?

The opposite of dictatorship is Democracy. Democracy means you have more rights over and to things like Voting and Belief and Religion. with dictatorship you don't have those things. I'm not sure who gave the above answer but the are totally a wrong a dictatorship is form of government in place in countries who has one ruler and that ruler words or wishes is law! The USA. would be the opposite of a dictatorship

Is it OK to assassinate a dictator?

No. That is murder. You would be no better than the dictator. A dictator can be overthrown by force, but a peaceful humane regime must take over. So if the dictator can be overthrown without being killed, they can be brought to justice. The dictator and his key assistants who have been involved in any of the crimes of the dictatorship can all be imprisoned. All of this would be a sign of a new positive future for a country, a complete change from the way the country had been run until that time.

How does a dictatorship and a republic establish order the same?

A dictator points a gun in your face and says do it or else. A Republic uses your religion and beliefs to get you to do the same things as the dictator. I would rather have a Republic because at least I can see a reason for why I'm doing what the government is telling me do.