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Q: If someone gets shot in the chest is it still ok to give them CPR?
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You can give someone your heart but still keep it

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The rules vary from state to state. If you tell me which state you are asking about, then I can give you a better answer.

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dairy does not usually give you chest pain but, if you have some allergies you will get chest pain but naturally no you will not get chest pain

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When do you give rescue breaths to a victum?

If the patient is not breathing, after giving 30 chest compressions or straight away in a child or someone who has drowned

Why does your chest give you a strange feeling when you think about your ex girlfriend?

Typically it just means that your heart still beats for her. You are still in love with her, the love that you feel for did not go away when you two still broke up.

Is there a spell to make you have a bigger chest?

Yes there is a spell to make your chest bigger. I f you search it on google it will give you websites that give you spells you can use to have a bigger chest.

Does burned pumpkin seed's give your chest hair?

NO burned pumpkin seeds do not give you chest hair because if a girl ate it or put it on her body she wouldn't get hair on chest because girls dont get chest hair

Should you pump their chest or give mouth to mouth?

It depends, if you pump their chest it gets their heart beating, whereas mouth to mouth helps them to breathe.----If the person has had heart failure, then you should do both--the current Red Cross guidelines are thirty chest pumps to two rescue breaths. If the person's heart has stopped, then they aren't going to be breathing, but if you can feel a heartbeat and they aren't breathing, then you should give mouth-to-mouth.

What to do if you are in love with someone and they give off mixed signals?

Wait, if she/he still give mixed signals, then you can tell him your true feelings.

Why do ratites have wings even though they cannot fly?

Ratites are still birds: therefore, they still have the same skeletal structure as birds, which includes wing bones and wings. The difference is in their physiological structure. They lack the chest muscles and the keel bone on the chest which is necessary to give them the lift that would enable them to fly.

Give the names of two ogans in the chest?

there are many organs in the chest. two or these are: -lungs -heart