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Q: If someone has Hpv 2 can they still have intercourse?
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Do you need to go for cervical smears if you have had the HPV vaccine?

Yes, you do. The HPV vaccine is excellent and covers many strains of the HPV virus, and the strains included in the shot are the ones most likely to cause cervical cancer. It is very, very effective. But you need PAP smears still because: 1. Not all strains of HPV are in the vaccine, so even though it would be rare you could still get a form of HPV and go on to develop cervical cancer. 2. Not all cervical cancers are caused by HPV (though many are).

How long should it take for a dog's penis to retract after intercourse?

About an hour or 2. They're still horny.

Can you still get HPV after you have had the gardasil shot?

Although there is not cure for hpv, it has been thought that if someone goes without an outbreak and/or has a clean pap smear for five years, your body may have cleared the virus on its own. There is no way of knowing for sure though, so you should always tell your partner. But the above info has proven correct for many many people.

When organisms need to make new cells?

2 when a man and a woman have sexual intercourse otherwise known as fcking someone

Are warts cancerous?

A wart is what we call a tumour. Warts are rarely cancerous but then again, there is still that small chance. If you think it is an unusual sort of wart, visit your doctor.

Can women with level 2 hpv spread the disease?

Yes, they can.

If you had hpv could you still pass it on to your partner?

Not really. I suppose if that person then put their finger on their genitals they might run a risk. Genital warts prefer the skin on your gentials. They are not the same as the warts that might show up on your fingers and vice versa. You'll notice the skin on your hands is very different than the skin on your genitals. Next time you and your partner do this - make sure they have no cuts on their fingers, and have them wash their hands right afterward. Better yet, if you're really worried - ask them to wear a latex glove!

Are you considered as a pregnant if the menstruation delay 1 month and 2 weeks?

You may be pregnant If you have had sexual intercourse without protection. If you have had sexual intercourse, buy a pregnancy test. If you are still a virgin, your menstruation has just delayed.

Can someone fall be pregnant if they have their period 2 weeks after intercourse?

see a doctor-Now....if you're afraid to, call a help it now!

Can you test negative for herpes and have the virus?

First, there are STDs for which there's no reliable test:There is no commerically available test to tell someone they don't have HPV. HPV can be diagnosed if a person has genital warts, or may be found during a cervical HPV test or biopsy, but there's no way to say that someone doesn't have HPV. The overwhelming majority of people who have sex have had HPV at some point in their lives.It is difficult to say that someone has or doesn't have genital herpes if they don't have symptoms. A blood test can tell you if you have antibodies to type 1 or type 2 herpes, but can't tell you if the infection is genital or found elsewhere.In addition, there are a few circumstances that might lead to a negative STD test when the STD is present.You can get tested too soon and you may not be able to tell what you have yet it would be too early to know.Tests are almost never 100% accurate. You shouldn't necessarily start doubting the tests but you should be tested regularly.

How fast does HPV 52 turn into CIN 2?

Years or decades.

How long is the hpv needle?

The HPV needle is typically a 3/8 or 1/2 inch needle. It is the standard size used for all vaccines in that age group.