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depends on the county and state you are in, and the judge. if i were you i'd get a lawyer. free consultations could help.

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Q: If someone is a first time offender of fourth degree assault is he likely to get the maximum sentence of twelve months or could he get probation?
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What is the maximum jail time for a probation violation in sc?

The maximum time you can get jail time for VOP is the maximum sentence you would have received without probation.

What is the maximum penatly for absconder probation for nc?

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The short answer is the balance of the sentence

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The maximum sentence for indecent assault (sexual assault) is 20 years. This means that the sentence is at the digression of the judge, but by federal law it is not allowed to exceed 20 years.

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The penalty for probation violations are determined by the judge who originally sentenced you to the probation. It is impossible to know what your individual restrictions were.

What is the maximum sentence in Iowa for a first time simple assault charge?

For a first time simple assault, the maximum sentence is a jail term of not more than 30 day mandatory. A further fine of minimum $250, not exceeding $1,500 is also exercised.

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The maximum penalty would be governed by the underlying original charge and any sentence that was suspended in lieu of probation.

What is the maximum sentence for violation of probation in Kentucky?

Remanded to jail to serve the remainder of your sentence while incarcerated -plus- if you committed a criminal act which VOP'd you, that sentence will be added on.

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It would depend upon the degree of the charge. First offense or otherwise, the sentence for sexual assault will range from probation to life in prison, and 15 years to a lifetime of internet registration.

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200 hundred years in a burger king

What happens if you have are charged with a felony got the maximum sentence got out on probation have served a full year of probation and then get a violation?

Did you mean to say that you were released on PAROLE? Regardless. . . if you violate the provisions of your release you can be returned to confinement to serve the remainder of your sentence.

What are the sentencing for a misdemeanor assault in Georgia?

A misdemeanor offense, carries a maximum sentence of NOT MORE than one year in jail.