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Q: If someone is trying to spike their hair in mtheirside bang what gel should they use?
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Why do silk worm have a spike on their bottom?

Silk worms have a spike to help protect them from predators who are trying to eat them. The spike is actually harmless but the predators see it as something that could harm them.

What is the spike from Cool World?

The spike from Cool World is a device that is supposed to transport someone to the real world.

What does the name Spike mean?

Most dog owners that give their dog the name them spike. They must be trying to make them seem mean or vicious. but now they name them that to make them sound cute :(

What volleyball skill do you use to hit a ball above your head?

You have two options either 1. "SET" it if you are the setter or 2. "SPIKE" it if you are a spiker !!!!

What drills should you run at a high school girls volleyball try out?

There should be serving, spiking, setting for someone to spike, bumping to a specific spot, and getting the ball out of the net.

Did spike lee go to jail?

No, but he should of.

What should you expect trying out for the High School Volleyball team?

You should defiantly be expected to serve overhand. Also the coaches will want you to say yes mam or no mam (same with sir.) You need to be able to spike, pass, and set.

What should you name your cacti HE is a Chascon?

Call it 'Spike.'

What does a spike in 4 square look like?

A spike in Four Square is when you slap the ball into someone else's square really hard, so the ball goes really high.

How do you install track spikes?

To install a track spike, first take the threaded part of the spike and insert it into one of the holes at the bottom of your track cleat. Turn the spike clockwise to tighten it until you can no longer turn it. To fully tighten the spike, you will need a spike wrench which you should turn clockwise until the spike fully tightens. You will repeat the same process for all of your track spikes.

What angle should you spike the volleyball over the net?

90 degrees

When is bounty girls Miami airing again?

We're trying to get it re-aired. Write Spike TV and tell them you want to see it!